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Meet some of our
9 Languages tutors in Feltham:

Elizabeth H
Languages Teacher with more than 10 years experience.
I am a Doctor of Philosophy in Religion from Lancaster University and a native Spanish speaker. I am also an experienced and highly motivated qualified teacher and university lecturer specialising in RE, Theology, Philosophy and Spanish. I have high standards and expectations whilst remaining empathetic and highly practical. I build confidence in my students by equipping them to perform at their very best at all times, particularly with respect to GCSE and A-level examinations. I also lecture and examine undergraduate and postgraduate students specialising in ethics, philosophy, morality, theology...
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Juliane W
Experienced Native Languages Tutor
I am a Native speaker, and I have a good knowledge of the French curriculum from primary to GCSE. I trained as a Modern Foreign Languages PGCE Teacher. Fifteen years of experience teaching in various settings, including secondary,primary schools, Online Tuition and after school clubs. Subjects: French, yoga and drawing. Additional: Certificate in Understanding Autism level 2 and 3.French teacher work experience: 2021-22 Online tuition supporting GCSE student to achieve excellent grade in French (100%). Online tuition for adult to support thriving in the work place.2020-21 worked as teacher assistant...
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Jack O
Motivated and Experienced Languagess Tutor
My name is Jack and I’m a trilingual British-American business guru who loves to teach. I hold an MBA (Master in Business Administration) from the University of Stirling, where I achieved a Distinction Grade. I also a keen entrepreneur, with real business experience running my own startup consumer goods company, which I continue to run to this day. I Speak French and Spanish fluently , having lived in France and Spain and studied both languages at the undergraduate degree level. I have helped students of all ages overcome their Business Studies fears, as well as take up new languages.I am a vibrant, m...
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Kevin A
Experienced Qualified Mature Languages
RESULTS ORIENTATED: UNIVERSITY DIssertations - Guidance on structure , planning and argument.I have advised on subjects from micro- biology to religious architecture! I meet deadlines.A LEVEL History- Tudors- Stuarts 1603- 1714- French Revolution- Russian Revolution , Lenin, Stalin and Post war Teaching is very closely aligned to actual questions,I teach essay writing, and essay improvement. I happily explain the hard factGCSE ENGLISH Concentrating on critical analysis. language techniques,structure and commentary. The tutoring is very closely related to real exams using past papers to provide...
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Susanne R
Professional Languages Tutor
I first started tutoring and teaching languages whilst studying Product Design in Germany.My career as a designer took off in LA, California and London, UK whilst working for various architecture and design companies.During this time I also gained my TEFL qualification and built-up my work as a Private Language Tutor, returning back to my initial passion of teaching languages. My experience covers teaching German, English to individuals as well as groups, ranging from the introduction of base concepts for complete beginners (A1), through to advanced level and conversational training (C2) for the...
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Sophia L
Oxford Graduate Languages Tutor and Latin Tutor
I am a London-based, highly experienced Key Stage 3, GCSE, A Level and IB tutor in both French and Latin, having taught a total of around 800 hours at this point. My experience includes the following:- I have single-handedly taught a Year 8 student French GCSE. Since his school lesson schedule didn't permit him to study French there, he and I were the only two responsible for his French GCSE grade - an 8 - which he achieved as a Year 9 student this summer.- Two years ago I was able to raise the grade of a dyslexic student predicted a 5 to the final achievement of an 8 (this Year 11 student began...
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Diana A
Languages Tutor - Creative & Patient
Hello and welcome!TEFL - ESOL - SATS - 11+ exams - Literacy - Phonics - SPaG - Spanish - Hungarian - Dutch - Dyslexia I am Diana, here to offer you support with language learning and challenging linguistic endeavours.Born and bred from a mixed background and having lived in different parts of the world, I have a strong awareness of various cultures.I have taught English as a foreign language for just over 20 years to all age groups and from all walks of life, as well as other modern languages, such as Dutch, Spanish, French and even Hungarian. In the past few years, I have also done a fair bit...
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Jessica P
Languages Highly experienced, friendly tutor
Not only am I a supportive and encouraging teacher, with many years of experience as a qualified teacher but I also work for the Department for Education as an Education Consultant which means that my lessons are highly effective. I have prepared fast track courses to support students from the age of 5 right through to masters university level.I am fortunate enough to be an Examiner of KS2, GCSE and A-Level providing me with detailed insight into a range of exam boards as well as working on university-based assessment panels.I have enjoyed many years of work as a private tutor on a 1:1/small group...
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John W
Languages Tutor: highly-experienced (2013-) in essay support
I am a former student of Merton College, Oxford, where I studied English Language and Literature for BA (First class) and MSt (Distinction), and of Hertford College, Oxford, where I took the BCL postgraduate degree in Law (Distinction). My secondary school was Watford Grammar School for Boys.I have been teaching, independently and occasionally in universities and schools, since 2013. Unlike many tutors, this is my full-time job, and will be for the foreseeable future.Though I am quite new to this particular site, I have thousands of hours of tutorial experience, both in person and online, one-to-one...
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Brilliant Languages tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association

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How have students rated the quality of Languages tuition in Feltham?

Students in Feltham have rated the quality of their Languages tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Languages tutoring cost in Feltham?

On average Languages tutors in Feltham cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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