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94% of our tutors hold advanced degrees, Master’s and PhD), have 2+ years of experience and are fully DBS-checked. Find the perfect maths A-level tutor to boost your confidence and achieve your learning goals.
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Making the jump from GCSE to A-level Maths can feel like a big leap, with more complex topics and a greater focus on independent study. But don’t worry – at Tutorful, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Whether you need expert tutors, practical tips, or clever tricks to get ready for the course and exam preparations, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what you need to know about A-level Maths exams: You’ll sit three papers in June. Pure Mathematics 1 and Pure Mathematics 2 cover the foundations and advanced concepts. A combined Statistics and Mechanics paper challenges you to apply what you’ve learned in real-world contexts. A-level exam boards, ranked in order of increasing difficulty, are often considered as follows: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, OCR MEI, and Cambridge. To build a strong foundation in A-level maths, it's helpful to focus on key topics early on. These include the three methods for solving quadratic equations (factorising, using the quadratic formula, and completing the square), as well as mastering surds, indices, and understanding the differences between the gradient of a line and the gradient of a curve. Additionally, having a solid grasp of trigonometry and the unit circle is essential for success. With the right support, preparation, and mindset, you can approach A-level Maths with confidence and succeed. Let's make learning work for you!
Find a tutorIf you need help with A-level maths or exam preparation we at Tutorful have A-Level Maths tutors who are dedicated professionals, offering personalised one-on-one tutoring to help you excel in your studies. Build confidence, boost understanding, and achieve top results. A-level maths offers the chance to explore topics like geometry, calculus, and trigonometry in pure mathematics while applying these concepts to practical areas such as mechanics and statistics. Whether you’re tackling advanced topics or focusing on exam preparation, our tutors are here to guide you every step of the way. With flexible online maths tuition and hourly rates between £20 and £50, finding the perfect A-level maths tutor online has never been easier. Take your A-level maths skills to the next level with Tutorful!
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