Private Eleven Plus 11+ tuition with experienced tutors in Chingford.

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Trusted tutors with 2+ years experience and full DBS checks 📚
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Meet some of our
10 Eleven Plus 11+ tutors in Chingford:

Omar A
Highly experienced Eleven Plus 11+ tutor
Hello! I’m a dedicated and experienced tutor specializing in GCSE Physics, A-Level Maths, Computer Science, and programming. With over 400 hours of tutoring experience, I've helped numerous students excel in their studies across various exam boards including EDEXCEL, AQA, EDUQUAS, and OCR.I achieved A* grades in A-Level Maths, Further Maths, and Computer Science, and earned grade 9 in all the subjects I now teach. Currently, I am studying at university and am proud to be averaging a First in my coursework, including a First-class grade in my Object-Oriented Programming module.My teaching approach i...
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Gursharan Singh K
Passion for Eleven Plus 11+ tutoring
The best teachers I came across in my time were those that were able to get you enthusiastic about a subject, methodical in their approach and had an open and approachable manner. This would pretty much sum up the blueprint I try to follow also.I have been a tutor to students for the past 10 years with experience in all things 11+ related (having sat this myself), KS2/3 English and Maths. Style-wise I do not want to come across as if I’m dictating. I very much want the process to be two-way and I will try making the environment as comfortable for you to ask what you might think is the silliest o...
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Annie M
Supportive Eleven Plus 11+ tutor
I am a Primary school teacher with 20 years of experience in KS1 & KS2 education in the UK. I am a behaviour specialist who supports children with social, emotional and mental health challenges to overcome learning barriers. I can help children increase their self-esteem as well as their academic abilities. I am currently still teaching and work with children with Special Education Needs. I also have experience in working with children with Autism.I qualified as a Secondary school teacher in South Africa 20 years ago. I came to the UK after qualifying and began teaching in Primary school as I gained...
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Tricia M
Inspiring Eleven Plus 11+ tutor
Hello, My name is Tricia. I am an Early Years and Primary school teacher with over 25 years experience working with children. I have taught in schools in Enfield and Haringey as well as abroad. I am passionate about learning as a lifelong commitment both for the children in my care, for my colleagues and for myself.To this end I give children the skills of learning: exploring, finding out, making links, resilience and being willing to have a go.These skills lead children to be more confident and able to tackle anything that comes their way in the future.It is the vital foundation for their secondary,...
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Hayley B
Passionate & experienced Eleven Plus 11+ tutor
A patient and dedicated private tutor with a degree in Criminology and Psychology (Hons). I have over 5 years experience providing English, Mathematics and Science tuition at KS2, KS3 and GCSE level.I currently work as an educator in a primary school with both KS1 and KS2 children, where I deliver Phonics, Literacy and Maths intervention lessons. Each session is designed to help my students meet and exceed curriculum expectations - and more importantly, inspire a genuine joy for learning. I take pride in creating rewarding sessions for all my students, with catered lesson plans structured around...
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Anita L
Creative Eleven Plus 11+ tutor
Hi I’m a full time primary school teacher who understands how tutoring will support a child’s learning. With over 5 years experience I am confident my pupils will gain the best support from me!I want to ensure each pupil is given my fullest attention when learning appropriate concepts and will soon become very confident with independent work.I work in a private school setting and understand how to support children with exams for 11+.I will use the national curriculum as a guide and ensure each pupil has mastered specific topics before moving on. I include Singapore maths method of mastery when tea...
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Zara M
Excellent Eleven Plus 11+ tutor
I am a Maths and Finance graduate with over 4 years of tutoring experience. I am passionate about teaching and find supporting struggling students to be rewarding. I am flexible in my hours and I offer both online and in-person tutoring. My goal as a tutor is to help students gain confidence and help them achieve their full potential.I have been tutoring in Maths at levels KS2, KS3 and GCSE, and have helped prepare primary school children for the Eleven Plus exams. I have also tutored in a professional school setting for students looking to achieve grades 7-9 in their GCSE's. My students range...
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Dr. Numan B
Excellent Eleven Plus 11+ tutor
I studied Medicine at Bart’s and the London school of medicine and dentistry. Prior, I completed my A-levels in Maths, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics at Stoke Newington Sixth form. Becoming the first student to do medicine in the history of my school has given me confidence to achieve my goals and help others alongside.I have an additional degree in Management in Imperial College London. During this year I achieved a first class honours and was awarded the best project of the year (Prize winner in 2021 at Imperial College London for the best final project of the year). Beyond this, I am ranked f...
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Cedra J
Enthusiastic teacher for Eleven Plus 11+
I am Mrs Cedra M, I have been teaching for over 30 years. My subjects include Maths, English, Geography, Spanish, ICT and ESOL.Most of my work at the moment is online.I am familiar with the UK syllabus. I am also keen on professional development which allows me to be up to date with current trends in teaching. I hold a BA degree from University of London and a MA Ed degree in Education from the Open University. I also have a Diploma in Education (ICT) fromLondon Metropolitan University. I enjoy tutoring as it gives me the opportunity to spend quality time to interact with students and encourage...
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Glena R
Experienced Eleven Plus 11+ English tutor
I am a committed, flexible, and adaptable English Literature and Language teacher with 2 years of experience teaching and tutoring. As a teacher in a London based secondary school Isupport students to achieve their grades in order to progress on to their dream courses at sixth form and further education. I specialise in KS3 and GCSE. My teaching style is friendly, positive and student tailored. Lessons are planned with the students’ needs in mind within a comfortable environment where learning queries can be addressed and overcome. lessons are usually run on Microsoft PowerPoint starting with n...
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Brilliant Eleven Plus 11+ tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Eleven Plus 11 tuition in Chingford?

Students in Chingford have rated the quality of their Eleven Plus 11 tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Eleven Plus 11 tutoring cost in Chingford?

On average Eleven Plus 11 tutors in Chingford cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement