Private tuition with experienced tutors in Grimsby.

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Meet some of our
11 tutors in Grimsby:

Paul L
Experienced Physics tutor
I am a experienced teacher of Physics up to and including A level. My teaching roles have included being Head of Science and Head of Sixth Form and I have extensive experience as a teacher and examiner for both A level and GCSE Physics as well as BTEC Science. I have worked with exam boards as a writer, written chapters for A level Physics textbooks and worked with the National STEM centre as a trainer and written courses for them. I have worked with Ofsted as an inspector. I tutor and teach online to students and have taught over 200 hours online and received 5 star reviews. My students have commented...
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Robert H
Friendly and engaging teaching with a smile
Hi, my name is Bob, I hold a BA in History from the University of Cambridge (Starred first) and an MA in History of Design. My qualifications:A Level French: A* A Level English Literature: A* A Level History: ABA HistoryMA History of DesignI have more than 2 years' experience tutoring in French (GCSE), English Literature (GCSE), and History (GCSE and A Level). I have tutored in both AQA and OCR so I have knowledge of both of these exam boards' requirements.History tutoring:I can tutor History up to A Level (AQA). I would create miniature lecture/seminars to walk you through the main historical...
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Ash G
Inspiring tutor
Hi, my name is Ansh, I graduated from Newcastle Medical School and I’m currently working as a junior doctor. Since I joined university I’ve always been keen to teach others, I was a peer parent in my latter years - teaching previous year groups through my knowledge and experience. I also worked as a basketball coach during my whole tenure, coaching the university’s intramural team for 6 years. I currently teach 5th years on-site, preparing them for their final medical examinations. I have built up my teaching experience with eventual plans to move into medical education.It’s important that student...
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Trevor K
Experienced teacher and examiner of A and igcse economics
Since retiring from full-time teaching I have remained very active in the field of Economics education. I provide private tuition to both local students and students worldwide - A and A.S. level for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Cambridge and Welshstudents, igcse for both Edexcel and Cambridge. I am a member of the senior examining team for A level AQA microeconomics and I also examine igcse (Edexcel and Cambridge).I have been engaged as a consultant to a number of schools, either on behalf of AQA or through personal recommendations. I run residential revision classes on behalf of a national tuition organisation....
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Connor D
Lead Teacher and Expert Tutor
I am an experienced tutor and an expert examiner who is employed as Lead Teacher of Science in Grimsby. I am a qualified teacher who completed the prestigious Teach First program with an outstanding grade who rapidly progressed into a science leadership role. I hold two Masters degrees - one in Aeronautical Engineering (MEng) and another in Transformational Leadership in Education (MA). As a physics teacher I have taught GCSE and A Level physics and I also have experience of teaching double science at GCSE. Furthermore I also teach AS Chemistry. As lead teacher I am involved in the leadership of...
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Luke F
Enthusiastic and inspiring Science and English Tutor
Secondary Science teacher with over 5 years full-time experience. I specialise in showing how to make learning easier and more enjoyable. My goal is to create enthusiastic independent learners with the skills to hapilly thrive in what they choose to do.I teach AQA Combined (Trilogy) for all subjects: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. In addition, I am a Physics and Biology specialist teaching Seperate Science (also known as Triple Award). Additionally I have experience teaching the Cambridge international as well as OCR specifications.I have always been curious-minded and I am especially interested...
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Vittorio F
Experienced Physics and Maths Teacher, GCSE and Sixth-Form
I have been teaching physics at university and secondary school levels for over 20 years. I hold a PhD in chemical physics (University of Nottingham) and a PGCE in science with physics specialism, obtained at the University of Cambridge (Homerton College). I have worked in several secondary schools both state and private schools, teaching GCSE and A-level physics following AQA, OCR, Edexcel specifications over the last 7 years. My teaching style is adaptable to students' specific needs, and therefore it is tailor-made according to their unique requirements. Ultimately there are no two identical...
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Patrick S
Experienced and Enthusiastic Tutor of Maths and Sciences
Hello! I’m Patrick, a Masters Student of Science Education at Cambridge University, an Institute of Physics teaching scholar, and a Masters Graduate of Electronic Engineering from Durham University. I want to help you get the most out of these invaluable years of education by using my many years of both academic and teaching experience to help you achieve your goals!Tutoring is something I've always found exceptionally rewarding. I have been blessed with having a younger brother to mentor and assist throughout his academic journey, and have spent countless hours assisting friends from many different a...
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Tayyib F
4th year Medical Student with years of tutoring experience.
Hi. My name is Tayyib and I am a fourth year medical student currently at university. I have years of tutoring experience, which has allowed me to ensure lessons are engaging and interesting for students (no matter what age), as well as knowing what is required of students for their GCSE or A Level exams. I achieved over 10 GCSEs at grade 7 and above, including Maths (AQA), Biology (Edexcel), Chemistry (AQA), Physics (AQA), Geography, History and English.At A Level, I achieved an A* in Chemistry (AQA), A in Biology (Edexcel) and A in Maths.During my college years I started tutoring privately with...
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Ashley C
Dedicated and experienced Geography A level and GSCE Teacher
I am a passionate and qualified Geography teacher with 16 years of experience teaching in various co-ed secondary schools both in the UK and in south Africa. I was also HOD of Geography for four years at an all girls school, and now spend my time teaching online. I have both a bachelor of education (BEd) and a bachelor in psychological counselling (BA HSS). I have taught KS3, KS4 and A Level Geography and I am experienced in teaching the curriculum for Edexcel, AQA, IGCE, OCR and IB Examinations. I am also an A level examiner. I have also taught IGCSE history, travel and tourism and environmental...
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Helen L
Dynamic qualified teacher, examiner, caring tutor
Hello, my name is Helen and I am a qualified A-level and GCSE geography teacher (PGCE, QTS). I have been an examiner for AQA A-level geography and taught both AQA and Edexcel specifications. Other teaching experience includes KS3 geography, KS3 history, PSHE and BTEC level 3 Travel and Tourism. Additionally, I have tutored KS3 science and OCR and Eduqas A-level geography.My first degree is in Marine Biology and I also have a Masters in Science and Environmental Journalism demonstrating my expertise in science and English. I am a proficient writer and essay editor and can support students needing...
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Brilliant tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.
Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of tuition in Grimsby?

Students in Grimsby have rated the quality of their tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does tutoring cost in Grimsby?

On average tutors in Grimsby cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement