Private Primary tuition with experienced tutors in Wakefield.

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Meet some of our
12 Primary tutors in Wakefield:

Aamirah H
Primary subjects including English and Primary
My name is Aamirah, and I've been dedicated to the teaching profession since 2017, with a wealth of experience in KS1 and KS2. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working with a diverse range of students, which has enhanced my ability to offer tailored lessons based on different learning styles. This personalised approach helps ensure that every student can achieve their full potential.Mathematics is my favorite subject to teach, and I take great joy in making complex concepts accessible and enjoyable for my students. My passion for Maths started early and was further solidified during...
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Jaye S
Experienced Primary tutor
Hi!Experience:I have ten years experience tutoring. I have tutored over 100 students from 5 years old to PhD level in English, maths, Spanish, French, geography, politics and history. Several of my students have received solid results,such as being ranked in the top ten in their respective schools. In particular, I have strong experience teaching critical thinking and essay writing. In addition I have tutored ESL in India, Spain, Turkey, Thailand, UK, Australia and China.Structure:I understand the importance of adapting my teaching style and lesson structure to each student, focusing on their learning...
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Agnieszka Z
Enthusiastic Primary tutor
Hi, I'm Agnes, I am a highly qualified tutor with excellent communication skills and a variety of teaching methods to aid in the achievement of the highest results!Currently studying Dentistry at university as my second degree, I work a lot with sciences, maths and psychology and so would like to share my knowledge and various methods of studying that I have realized work best. Studying doesn’t have to be boring, and I want to help every student understand each subject better so that they can enjoy it to its full potential and get the grades they want by teaching it in an interesting and captivating w...
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Georgina B
English and Primary Tutor
I am a qualified Primary Teacher with a passion for supporting students in their educational journey. Over the past two years, I have specialized in teaching English to low-ability KS3 and KS4 students. My teaching style is student-centered, focusing on differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of each learner. I believe in creating an inclusive and supportive classroom environment where students feel encouraged to express themselves and engage actively with the content.My subject knowledge is deeply rooted in the English curriculum, and I have a strong understanding of the requirements...
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Laura P
Enthusiastic Qualified Primary Primary Teacher
Hello, my name is Miss (Laura) Peacock and I have been a qualified primary teacher for 4 years. I have lots of face-to-face tutoring experience and online tutoring experience. I currently teach a year 1 class in Leeds, however, I have taught right through to year 6. I would love to help other primary students online in the evenings. I like to make my lessons as fun and interactive as possible. Each lesson will be tailored to meet your child's needs and strengths and I am more than happy to give them resources to help practise at home after the lesson. I have excellent knowledge of all the EYFS/KS1...
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Elizabeth E
enthusiastic primary and phonics Primary tutor
Experienced primary teacher who works around letters and sounds for phonics and has used a variery of English platforms including talk for writing and literacy tree. Maths have worked mainly in the last few years with the white rose ptogram and the mastery part of naths. Getting children to really understand the number system. Firm but fair teacher who like to adapt things where possible so children may not see that they are learning or working. Worked across primary but a lot in ks1 andEYFS. I have worked with children with varying needs including those with autistic spectrum disorder and I gind...
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Emma V
KS1 and KS2 all subjects Primary English Science Maths
I am currently only offering online tutoring.I am a teacher and tutor of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with 18 years of experience. I have a Bachelor of Education degree, a Masters in Education and a successful teaching career.I have tutored within the school setting, within homes and online. Initially, I will want to know areas of development for your child.If possible, report comments from school would be very valuable to me so that I am teaching and building on school learning.I would like to carry out some assessment activities to ensure that I am targeting the correct areas. Then, I will get...
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Gemma P
Experienced and engaging KS2 Tutor Primary All Primary
My name is Gemma and I have over 10 years’ experience of teaching in UK Primary Schools. For the last few years, I have been tutoring children (ages 5-12) online in Maths, English, Y2 & Y6 SATs and 11+ Entrance Exams. I pride myself on delivering fun, engaging sessions and promoting rapid progress to the students I teach, ensuring they feel supported in their work and praised for every small success in their learning journey. I primarily work as an 11+ and SAT's specialist but I am happy to teach any primary level subject. I am confident in both Maths & English and have a lot of experience teaching f...
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Polly L
Primary Primary Teacher and 11+ Tutor
Hello!My name is Polly and I am a qualified teacher with over 10 years experience of teaching in UK Primary Schools. For the last four years, I have been tutoring children (ages 5-12) online in Maths, English, SAT's Exams and 11+ Entrance Exams. Lessons are usually 60 minutes and take place within the Tutorful online classroom. I only tutor online, not face to face.I primarily work as an 11+and SAT's specialist but I am happy to teach any primary level subject, confident in both Maths & English and have a lot of experience teaching for the Year 2 and Year 6 SAT’s. I have also marked SAT's papers, t...
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Pam P
Experienced Primary Tutor
I am a semi- retired Primary School teacher. I have worked with all age groups in the Primary setting and have a specialised knowledge in the teaching of reading. To keep up to date with the changes in the curriculum I take on some supply work. Over the years I have been tutoring I have helped many pupils reach there full potential. I believe in an individual approach as no two children are the same. This cannot be achieved by the big centres offering only one way of learning.I have taught children who struggle to read, increasing reading age dramatically over a short time and have helped children...
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Sarah P
Enthusiastic Primary Tutor
I am an Early Years Care and Education Graduate who is passionate about helping children and young people grow, not only academically, but also personally. I have the knowledge and ability to change and manage new and different challenges.As well as having some experience in tutoring over the last year, I also have 16 years classroom based experience as a Primary School Teaching Assistant. Within this role, I have worked with children with additional needs, who required a more adaptable approach to the curriculum. Throughout my BA Honours Degree, I gained the knowledge, theories and practical experience...
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Sarah H
Effective phonics MTC SATs primary KS2 Primary Tutor SEND
APOLOGIES, I'M CURRENTLY NOT TAKING ON ANY NEW STUDENTS.I'm an experienced educator who is now a senior leader.I was a teaching assistant for 10 years where I mostly taught children with special educational needs. After this, I was a teacher for a further 10 years where I taught most primary year groups. I am outcomes-driven and I strive to help every child achieve regardless of their starting point. I can tutor any age group in primary (4-11yrs) and secondary up to Year 11. This includes any subject area. Primary is my preferred area. I am currently having particular success with teaching early...
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Brilliant Primary tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.
Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Primary tuition in Wakefield?

Students in Wakefield have rated the quality of their Primary tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Primary tutoring cost in Wakefield?

On average Primary tutors in Wakefield cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement