Private Maths tuition with experienced tutors in Thatcham.

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Meet some of our
9 Maths tutors in Thatcham:

Abbie T
Energetic Maths
Every student has unique learning superpowers! My goal is to unlock them with a personalised approach to teaching. Whether your child needs a little boost or more self-belief and resilience, I'm here to help.I specialise in making learning fun and relatable. My lessons blend hands-on activities, real-world connections, and a mix of visual, auditory, and movement-based strategies to make knowledge more understandable and easily recalled.I'm well-versed in core Primary subjects like English, maths, reading, writing; as well as science, French, Spanish, history, PE, and computing skills. With a Primary...
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Sam N
Dedicated Maths tutor
Hello. My name is Sam.I believe that with the correct style and sufficient amount of effort basically anybody can understand the subject which I have had (and still have) such a desire to learn, maths. During my third year at the University of Warwick were I achieved by BSc,I helped a small group of first year students with their assignments. I enjoyed this a lot as it gives me satisfaction knowing I have helped others. I have also worked as a maths academic mentor for a school in Reading providing intervention lessons at GCSE level as well as one to ones for A-level students.I am also currently...
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Amanda G
Creative Maths tutor
I am a very experienced primary school teacher and a maths mastery specialist. I have been teaching for 20 years and have taught from Foundation up to Year 6 in all areas of the curriculum. I have a great dealof experience teaching children with specific difficulties or special needs, as well as children that need their confidence building and their love for learning reigniting. I always plan my lessons around the children and their needs and have excellent results in the classroom and with the pupils I tutor. I address thegaps in the children’s learning, therefore ensuring that they make good p...
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Shwetal B
Effective Maths tutor
EducationI have done a Dual degree Graduate programme in Mathematics & Statistics followed by a Post Graduate programme in Engineering Management. I have also done a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications followed by a Certificate Course in Basic Management Training and a Certificate Course in River & Coastal EngineeringTutoring Experience* 20 years of one-to-one customised tutoring experience teaching GCSEs and A-levels..* For GCSEs and A-levels, I do cover all the major exam boards like AQA , OCR , and Edexcel including International Exam Boards.* I do teach Business Studies at Degree...
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Cooper M
Professional Maths tutor
I am a tutor who has2 years experience working for a UK recognised tuition company I offer a Tailored style of teaching for which I consider individual needs of students as well as strengths and weaknesses . Additionally, I ensure that the fundamentals are well covered before moving on to more complex elements of mathematical topics which are in line with the specifications of students and most importantly I teach exam technique for maths exams to ensure positive results whilst incorporating topic specific questions and concepts. I am an experienced mathematics and science tutor and I have tutored...
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Amy M
Patient, caring Maths tutor
Every child deserves an education that is tailored to them and their learning styles. Each pupil is unique and therefore has a unique way of thinking, and it is my job to work this out and adapt my teaching accordingly; there is no "one size fits all" in my sessions! Within the sessions, my aim is to build pupils' confidence by providing them with skills that they can remember and use whenever they need to. I have done research into metacognition (learning how to learn) and find there are ways of helping the brain store information for the long term! I myself am ADHD/ASD, so relate highly to these...
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Marceli D
[FIRST LESSON 50% OFF] A*A*A*A Grade Maths Tutor
[FIRST LESSON 50% OFF]I am a keen, enthusiastic, and hardworking maths tutor with over 800 hours of experience. Only a couple of years ago, I was in the same spot as you are right now; having achieved an A* in Mathematics, an A* in Economics, an A* in Politics and an A in English Literature at A-Level and currently attaining a First in my second year of studying Economics at the University of Leeds, I therefore believe I am in the best position to understand what you need to thrive and excel. I can cover all exam boards and possess a thorough knowledge of all curriculum areas. Furthermore, I keep...
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Matthew D
PhD Enthusiastic Oxford Graduate for elite Maths tuition
Hello prospective student!If you're looking for an experienced and passionate tutor to boost your grades, deepen your understanding and take your studies to the next level, you've found the right profile!I am an expert in my fields, and have a deep understanding of the subjects I tutor for. I achieved a first class degree in Physics & Philosophy and then Mathematics & Theoretical Physics at the University of Oxford. I am currently a PhD student in Cosmology at Queen Mary University of London and a private tutor.I have been teaching and tutoring for nearly a decade. This means I have a wealth of...
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Max H
Engaging and friendly Maths tutor
I am currently in my third year of studying natural sciences at The University of Bath after competing a year long laboratory based placement and tutoring alongside my studies. I find encouraging tutees to a position of understanding and confidence incredibly fulfilling, I enjoy their unexpected questions that test my knowledge of the syllabus and make me think on my feet so for me tutoring is the perfect student gig.I have 4 years of experience tutoring GCSE Maths, Chemistry and Biology online and in person and 2.5 years of A level Chemistry and Biology tutoring, again online and in person.I like...
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Brilliant Maths tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

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is focused on the safety of students.

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Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Maths tuition in Thatcham?

Students in Thatcham have rated the quality of their Maths tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Maths tutoring cost in Thatcham?

On average Maths tutors in Thatcham cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement