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Meet some of our
10 Maths tutors in Taunton:

Arjun A
Dedicated and passionate Maths tutor
I'm currently an undergraduate student at Warwick, studying Mathematics.I completed my A-level exams last summer in the following subjects: Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Music. My genuine passion for Maths has stayed with me since primary school. Chemistry is my favourite science subject as I find memorising the key facts straightforward, and problem-solving is what I love.During my time as an Upper Sixth student, I've been involved in a Chemistry buddying scheme where I was coupled up with someone from Lower Sixth. What I usually did was ask him what topics he struggled with, and then I...
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Leah W
Supportive Maths tutor
Hello, my name is Leah.I am a qualified primary school teacher and have taught Key Stage 2 classes for the past 2 years. I completed my degree and PGCE at Bath Spa University, where I completed a range of placements across Key Stage 1 and 2.Before that, I trained as a level 3 nursery nurse.My passion has always been working with children.My aim is to support children and cater to the style of learning that works best for them.Not everyone learns in the same way, that is something that having a class of 32 children has definitely taught me.Some of us learn better by listening and absorbing information...
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Erin S
Motivating & experienced Maths tutor
Hello, I’m Erin, a friendly and dedicated tutor who can help students to achieve their best grades in both GCSE and A Level subjects. I achieved 8 grade 9s at GCSE, and A*AA at A Level. Making your best exam progress demands not only academic knowledge, but an understanding of the mark schemes to pinpoint where to think like an examiner & adapt knowledge to suit an exam question.I have over two years of tutoring experience, helping both top set students and those less confident with Maths, from Year 6 through to GCSE level for the AQA exam board, in a school environment. I can provide particular f...
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Sarah B
Friendly Maths tutor
I am a qualified and experienced primary school teacher, available to tutor many subjects of the National Curriculum including early phonics, reading, writing and maths. I have taught across the whole primary age range over 16 years and know many children learn best when they have hands on experiences so that is what I aim for. Using resources in many different ways helps the brain engage and come alive, which in turn helps learning become memorable. Using resources for maths is a must and drawing pictures to aid sentence development are ways I have seen my pupils make excellent progress. New learning...
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Amanda L
Experienced, creative, fun primary teacher Maths primary
Witness your child's transformation as they blossom into a confident and capable reader, writer or mathematician. Hello, my name is Amanda Llewellyn, With over a decade of experience in teaching and leadership, I have honed my skills in nurturing young minds, particularly in the critical stages of early literacy. My approach is grounded in understanding and compassion, ensuring that each child not only makes great progress academically, but they build resilience, confidence, independence and motivation.*Through a personalised assessment, this sets the stage for a tailored learning experience for...
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Benedict K
Excellent Maths tutor
I am a passionate and patient teacher, with an enthusiasm for making learning as engaging as possible! I have worked with a large range of children of differing abilities and additional needs. I normally teach a class of year 6 students but I also have experience working with small groups and on a 1:1 basis carrying out interventions.I have worked with children for many years, having coached tennis for the past 12 years. I recently retrained to become a teacher and have been teaching for the past two years, having completed a PGCE the year before this. I have worked across the full primary age...
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Josie S
Catch up, keep up and find what you can really do in Maths
I am an experienced maths tutor, covering everything up to (and including) GCSE and IGCSE maths, as well as adult maths. I work with all ages and ability levels, including dyscalculia. School or home educated, studying towards exams or working to improve maths skills, all students are welcome and supported.Whether it is rebuilding confidence in learning, revising older topics, catching up or keeping pace with other students, or learning from scratch, having the right tutoring support can make the difference that you need.My detailed knowledge of the curriculum allows me to support learners both...
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Chris L
Maths Tutor: GCSE Foundation & Higher Tiers.
GCSE Maths Foundation (including November resits) and Foundation Skills Level 2. I am an Assessment Examiner for OCR GCSE Foundation mathematics, additionally I have expertise with the AQA and Edexcel examination boards. I am also a Cambridge International Examiner for Lower Secondary mathematics. I have experience in tutoring the Foundation Skills Level 2 examination. I am able to offer 11+ maths tuition as well.I have been a teacher for 30+ years having qualified with a B.Ed Honours degree in 1988. During my career I have taught from Year 1 through to 13 at four different types of school: co-ed...
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Joanne P
Expert Maths tutor
Although I predominantly work as a private online tutor in English and maths, I also provide extra one-to-one and group support in English and maths to children in local primary schools.This is very rewarding and enables me to stay informed about the current curriculum.Where possible, my lessons are set in context, which helps to maintain interest for the student, and gives them a frame of reference.It also makes grammar lessons much more fun!Together with the lesson report I send out after each lesson, I always give students one or more homework tasks to complete. In addition to consolidating...
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Janet D
Need help with Maths? You can count on me.
I am an experienced teacher and examiner, having qualified with a Teachers Certificate and BSc in Mathematics. I am currently teaching Key Stage 3 (years 7-9) and IGCSE maths for an online school, and my students are located worldwide. I have been tutoring since 1987 and most of my experience is of the Edexcel exam board (for which I am an examiner), however I am also familiar with AQA. Please note that I do not teach GCSE Statistics which is a separate qualification. I have been marking exam papers at GCSE and IGCSE level for many years, thereby gaining valuable experience in knowing what common...
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Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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How have students rated the quality of Maths tuition in Taunton?

Students in Taunton have rated the quality of their Maths tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Maths tutoring cost in Taunton?

On average Maths tutors in Taunton cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
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