Private Maths GCSE tuition with experienced tutors in Slough.

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Meet some of our
89 Maths GCSE tutors in Slough:

Priya K
Experienced Maths tutor
I have over 5 years tutoring experience along with a degree in Mathematics. I tailor my sessions to each student and accommodate for what suits them best. Together we will accomplish the curriculum spec and get in as much exam practice as needed.I am kind, patient and professional with all of my students making them feel comfortable to discuss their concerns and weaknesses within the subject. I personally create questions and mock exam questions to challenge each student differently on where they may be struggling most, to ensure the necessary practice is put into place accordingly.I enjoy teaching...
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Zain Q
Inspiring Maths , Physics and Chemistry Tutor.
🎓 I’m a QTS-qualified teacher with a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering (M.Eng Hons), here to help you excel in your studies!📚 I specialize in Maths, Physics 🌌, Chemistry 🧪, and Computer Science 💻, offering engaging lessons at GCSE, A-level, and university levels. With my guidance, students have improved by 2 grades on average, thanks to tailored, interactive teaching that simplifies tough concepts and builds confidence.🧠 I’m experienced with AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, and CCEA exam boards, ensuring you’re fully prepared no matter your curriculum. Whether it’s tackling Maths and Further Maths or ...
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Celia O
Highly experienced A level and GCSE Maths tutor
Hi! I'm Celia, a highly experienced and enthusiastic Mathematics teacher with over 20 years experience of teaching A level, GCSE and Key Stage 3 mathematics in a wide variety of outstanding secondary schools both here in the U.K. and in international schools both in Dubai and Spain. During COVID lockdown I discovered how effective online lessons are and during this time I developed a wide range of techniques and resources to be used successfully online. Previously I have been a head of department and also led the school centred teacher training program in East Dorset for 7 years. More recently...
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Emanuel B
Experienced and enthusiastic Maths Teacher Maths Maths
Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Emanuel and I am currently a full time Maths teacher (Secondary and Sixth form) with over 4 years experience as a teacher and 8 years experience as a Maths tutor.In academics, I have studied Mechanical Engineering at UCL and then I graduated from my PGCE course to be able to teach.What do you specialise in? I have an excellent record of students' performance over the years, with students mainly going to top Russell universities. To do this, I have set high standards within my sessions which must be met in order to achieve the desired outcome from the sessions...
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Disha G
Personalised support to excel in Maths
As a fully qualified Chartered Accountant with over 10 years of finance experience—including roles in external auditing, internal auditing, financial planning and analysis, and ICFR—I bring both academic and real-world insights to my tutoring sessions. Alongside my professional career, I have a deep passion for teaching, with over seven years of experience tutoring subjects such as math, accounting, and geography. Additionally, I am an avid painter and incorporate this creative pursuit into my teaching by offering painting lessons.My familiarity with a variety of exam boards, including A-levels, GCS...
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Humzah D
Supportive Maths tutor
Hi all,I have been teaching as a qualified Maths & Economics teacher for the past three years but I have extensive experience as an A Level Economics tutor before this. I started tutoring when I was in University, so it's been around 7 years in total now. My passion for teaching Economics generally started from when I was studying it at University as I found a real beauty in the synoptic nature of the subject and how it helps us to make sense of the world around us. Freakonomics is what I would initially recommend to anyone who wants to ignite their inner passion for Econ.My teaching style would...
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Brilliant Maths GCSE tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.
Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Maths Gcse tuition in Slough?

Students in Slough have rated the quality of their Maths Gcse tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Maths Gcse tutoring cost in Slough?

On average Maths Gcse tutors in Slough cost £32.00.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement