Private Further Maths tuition with experienced tutors in South Yorkshire.

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Meet some of our
9 Further Maths tutors in South Yorkshire:

Fuat K
Experienced Further Maths tutor
I have over 25 years of experiences in teaching and assessments in higher educations as well as GCSE and A-levels. I have engineering background and hold PhD degree in applied mathematics fields. I have also teaching qualification in higher educations. I have educated the students in Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Master of Engineering (Meng), Master of Sciences (MSc), and PhD levels.I аm fаmiliаr with аll exаm bоаrds аnd the current specificаtiоns. I аm pаssiоnаte аbоut helping yоung peоple tо аchieve their pоtentiаl. My lessоns аre engаging аnd relevаnt. I use exаmples frоm everydаy life tо explа...
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Arij A
Experienced Further Maths tutor
I greatly enjoy teaching and have worked as a tutor for the last 5 years. I find the most helpful way to lead a student to become a stronger problem solver is by exposing them to as many types of problems as possible and guiding them through with well-thought-out hints and discussions as to what it is that makes the problem a challenge. This approach I find teaches students to develop the out-of-the-box thinking style required to become unstuck when solving difficult maths problems whilst simultaneously helping them build a problem-solving toolkit in their minds. I offer private tuition at a variety...
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Constantinos P
Creative Further Maths tutor
Hey! My name is Constantinos and I am a graduate of the University of Durham, with a BSc Mathematics degree. I also hold a Master's degree in Pure Mathematics from Imperial College London. Now I am doing a PhD in an exciting area of mathematics, called Number Theory! I have been tutoring students for more than 5 years now. Currently, I am mostly focusing on helping final year high school students with their university entrance exams. Also, I love tutoring math undergraduate students, so if you are one, feel free to drop me a line.Mathematics for me is not just a school subject. It is the language...
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Saeid T
Higher Education Lecturer Further Maths
I am a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. I graduated with MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering at the same university and BSc in mechanical engineering as well with a maths and physics diploma. I currently teach at a university. I have taught since 2009 in Mechanical Engineering schools, civil engineering Schools, and two Colleges for undergraduate students and students who want to attend university and need a top score.One of my tasks is to recognize the student's weaknesses and strengths in the first session before starting the lesson and then teach them properly. Another...
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Jonah D
First Class Maths Graduate and Dedicated Further Maths Tutor
Hello! I'm Jonah, a full-time online mathematics tutor with a degree in Mathematics from the University of Birmingham. With over 500 hours of tutoring experience both on and off Tutorful, I am committed to helping you excel in mathematics.My tutoring career began during Year 12 with GCSE students and quickly expanded to A-Level as I entered Year 13. I further honed my teaching skills through a targeted three-week teaching program at the Arthur Terry School in North Birmingham, where I also received exceptional teacher training from their highly acclaimed SCITT team, marked as "outstanding" by Ofsted.I...
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Benjamin W
Dedicated Further Maths tutor
I have a Masters in Mathematics from Oxford University and am a qualified mathematics teacher. I have taught throughout the secondary age range including A-level. I have worked with students to improve and master key concepts. I have tutored for A-Level Maths and Further Maths. Working with students of all abilities. I am familiar with AQA and Edexcel specifications. I begin sessions my exploring and seeking to understand a student’s prior knowledge. I introduce topics by building on those there current understanding and encouraging students to use mathematical skills to approach and learn f...
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Laura S
Dedicated Further Maths tutor
First Lesson Free!Hello! I'm Laura and I'm a Statistical Physics PhD student. I study how systems of many small simple components can work together to become something amazing. Some examples are the atoms in your body, the neurons in your brain, and the bacteria in your gut. My PhD project is on how the interactions between species can affect the stability of an ecosystem.I have loads of teaching and tutoring experience, and I make learning fun! I believe students should be happy and relaxed in order to reach their full learning potential. I understand that every student learns and stores information...
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Usama M
Excellent Further Maths tutor
Hello, I am an Analytical Engineer for Rolls Royce novel nuclear micro-reactors and I work on solving complex equations that will be used for moon and Mars missions in future. I am graduate from imperial college London in advanced aeronautics, I am involved heavily in advanced mathematics and physics. I have tutored in further maths and maths for all exam boards and physics, including a programming tutorials society I used to carry out in university to help students expand on coding and solve problems instantly. My journey through a-levels was very tough !! But however I managed...
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Joe A
A kind and experienced Further Maths specialist
Hello everyone! I have 1000's of hours of maths tutoring experience, with an expertise in GCSE through to University level. My background is in pure mathematics, which I studied at an MSc at The University of Nottingham, where I averaged a first class grade over all of my exams. I am a fun, caring and patient tutor who is very adaptable, capable of moulding tutoring sessions to best fit you! My passion for the subject shines through during my sessions. My mentality in teaching has always been: If you can't explain it simply, you don't know it well enough. So I ensure all my students leave with...
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Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
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How have students rated the quality of Further Maths tuition in South Yorkshire?

Students in South Yorkshire have rated the quality of their Further Maths tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Further Maths tutoring cost in South Yorkshire?

On average Further Maths tutors in South Yorkshire cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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