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Meet some of our
7 French tutors in Beckton:

Eden C
Enthusiastic French tutor
Hi! My name is Eden. I’m a student studying French and Film at Bristol University looking for students to share my knowledge on French and English Literature with. I know many study techniques which awarded me A* A A B in my A-levels and have a keen interest in music in my spare time. Having been a tutor for 5 years, I really understand the different ways students learn and the best ways to tackle problem areas of study. My previous students have seen their French GCSE grades go from 2s to 9s, with all passing their GCSE French, both foundation and higher. I specialise in exam study as I have f...
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Marianne H
Friendly French tutor
was born in France but grew up in Spain, where I attended Madrid's French Lycée and completed my international (French and Spanish) Baccalaureate. I arrived in London soon after my 21st Birthday, to pursue my Film and Theatre Studies in England, then then internationally renowned for its excellence in performing Arts. While pursuing my studies, I worked as a nursery assistant at the “Maternelle” of the French Lycee in South Kensington. And then, as a French and Spanish tutor. I enjoyed great teaching opportunities in the department of Humanities at London’s Imperial College as well as the indepe...
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Asma K
Experienced Biology tutor French
My name is Asma, and I am a first class biology graduate with over 3 years of experience tutoring GCSE and KS3 biology. I am fully knowledgeable about the curriculum for all exam boards (AQA, Edexcel, OCR).I enjoy tutoring because it allows me to make a real impact on my students' academic success, seeing them grow not only in knowledge but also in confidence. Biology is a very dynamic field, and I love helping students make connections between theory and real-world applications, whether it's understanding genetics or exploring environmental issuesI am also currently completing a PGCE in primary...
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Sandrine C
Qualified and very experienced native French Tutor
KS3, GCSE, A LEVEL (all examination Boards) and ADULT LEARNERS. My clients's examination results for Summer 2024: Client obtained an A* (Edxecel French A level)Client obtained an A* (AQA French A level) Client obtained a grade 9 (AQA French GCSE)Client obtained a grade 7(was predicted a grade 4 in his school's Mock exams - AQA French GCSE )Bonjour! I am Sandrine. I am a qualified language teacher and a patient, positive and very well-organised tutor.A native speaker from Paris, I gained a BA Honours Degree in English and Spanish at La Sorbonne University before coming to the UK where I have been...
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Catherine C
French AQA GCSE examiner, Nat Speak. KS2, 3, 4 A/AS,  N5
Bonjour!:)I am a native French speaker and a fully qualified teacher with 26 years experience of teaching in schools and privately. I am also a GCSE examiner each year and I used to be a AS level examiner for AQA too. I teach the right accent: this is part of how you can become a confident speaker and an efficient listener.I also explain how verbs and grammar work and help you practice with relevant, interesting resources.It's easier to learn if you understand the rules and the tricks. You then become more confident and try more and memorize better.I use various teaching methods according to each...
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Joanne P
Expert French tutor
Although I predominantly work as a private online tutor in English and maths, I also provide extra one-to-one and group support in English and maths to children in local primary schools.This is very rewarding and enables me to stay informed about the current curriculum.Where possible, my lessons are set in context, which helps to maintain interest for the student, and gives them a frame of reference.It also makes grammar lessons much more fun!Together with the lesson report I send out after each lesson, I always give students one or more homework tasks to complete. In addition to consolidating...
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Judy S
Enthusiastic (and patient) tutor of French Tutor for all levels
Hi I have always loved French and have a natural flair and feel for it, so, naturally, I went on to study it atUniversity. My particular course gave me the opportunity to work in both France and Switzerland so I got to experience how people really work and live in both these places.I also travelled widely during my placements to experience the culture and understand the identity of the locals. My family and I have now returned to the UKafter more than 12 years of living and working in Paris. In fact, both my children were born in Paris. I am keen to maintain their level in French so regularly tutor...
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Brilliant French tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

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All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association

asked questions

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How have students rated the quality of French tuition in Beckton?

Students in Beckton have rated the quality of their French tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does French tutoring cost in Beckton?

On average French tutors in Beckton cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement