Private tuition with experienced tutors in Newton Abbot.

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Meet some of our
8 Biology tutors in Newton Abbot:

Urwah K
Motivating Biology tutor
Hi! My name is Urwah and I recently graduated with a 2:1 upper class in Law from the University of Plymouth and I now work as a Paralegal in a Law Firm. Whilst at University I dabbled in tutoring to accompany my studies and have gained experience in teaching throughout. I am looking to tutor online and am flexible with the times I can offer. I like to know my students strengths and weaknesses and focus on what they need help with most. Once I have identified these, I like to run through past paper questions and make sure my student understands exactly what the question is asking. I also like to...
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Joshua F
Experienced and Supportive Biology Tutor
Nature, Family, Work, Study, Rest. Everyday. Nothing else.I teach Sciences, Language, Arts. But here, Sciences & Mathematics only.Which ages? 6 to 16.KS2, KS3, 11+, GCSE, and A-levels? All of them.Come to me to focus.Zoom & Skype? Yes.Homework? That which is worthy, yes.Reclaim your memory. If I say repeat twice, repeat twice. Knowledge is in you, not in your notes.What about fun? If it happens, it happens.Come to me for a point.I will stay with you, stay stable, and not go.~~~~~~~~~~If you walk one-tenth of the day, then every ten years, you'll have walked around the Earth.This is to walk once...
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Max H
Engaging and friendly Biology tutor
I am currently in my third year of studying natural sciences at The University of Bath after competing a year long laboratory based placement and tutoring alongside my studies. I find encouraging tutees to a position of understanding and confidence incredibly fulfilling, I enjoy their unexpected questions that test my knowledge of the syllabus and make me think on my feet so for me tutoring is the perfect student gig.I have 4 years of experience tutoring GCSE Maths, Chemistry and Biology online and in person and 2.5 years of A level Chemistry and Biology tutoring, again online and in person.I like...
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Agnes A
Biology Tutor - Recently Qualified Doctor for All Subjects (inc UCAT)
Science is just around us, everywhere. You don’t need more than a good grasp of scientific thinking. I am going to teach you. There are no silly questions, it’s all about thinking, asking and discussing.Once you have understood you‘ll know it. Don’t hesitate to ask me. We can do it together, we just need some time. Anything you want: talk-overs for deep inspections and searching for explanations, practice test to prepare for an exam and to get a routine. No more unclear subjects, no more failure. We just have to discuss everything and you’ll get it better.Usually I start with a mock exam to check ...
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Amy S
Experienced and friendly Biology tutor
Please note, I currently only have availability on Saturdays.I am an enthusiastic and friendly teacher with 9 years of tutoring Science and Maths at GCSE and Biology and Chemistry at A-Level. I have a plethora of experience and cover content on all of the most common exam boards (OCR, AQA, Edexcel, WJEC, CCEA). I work hard to personalise content to the topic and exam board that you study on, as well as to accommodate for how you learn best; through diagrams, example questions and more! I enjoy enabling students to achieve the grades they're aiming for and to help them to grow in their confidence...
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Erin S
Motivating & experienced Biology tutor
Hello, I’m Erin, a friendly and dedicated tutor who can help students to achieve their best grades in both GCSE and A Level subjects. I achieved 8 grade 9s at GCSE, and A*AA at A Level. Making your best exam progress demands not only academic knowledge, but an understanding of the mark schemes to pinpoint where to think like an examiner & adapt knowledge to suit an exam question.I have over two years of tutoring experience, helping both top set students and those less confident with Maths, from Year 6 through to GCSE level for the AQA exam board, in a school environment. I can provide particular f...
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Lydia S
Highly Qualified Biology Tutor
I understand that learning can be challenging, and if you’re not quite grasping something it’s not your fault. It often means you need to find a different approach, and that’s what I’m here for.I have an advanced background in biology and sports science, with both my degrees ranked first in the world in their respective subjects - Human Biology BSc (accredited by the Royal Society of Biology) and Physiology & Nutrition of Sport & Exercise MSc from Loughborough University (SENr accredited). My undergraduate dissertation has also been published. These programs have equipped me with a deep underst...
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Elliot R
Enthusiastic, engaging, and patient Biology tutor
Hi there! I'm Elliot, currently working as a cluster support manager in the NHS at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital. I have a degree from the University of Reading in Microbiology and am working towards my healthcare leadership postgraduate diploma. I offer experience in tutoring Maths as well as all Sciences, along with personal experience of the 11+ exam. I offer experience in both group and one-on-one lessons to students at various levels.I've previously worked with students from primary (SATs) to A-levels, reinforcing their understanding in various subject areas.As for my teaching style,...
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Brilliant Biology tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

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All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

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is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association

asked questions

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How have students rated the quality of Biology tuition in Newton Abbot?

Students in Newton Abbot have rated the quality of their Biology tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Biology tutoring cost in Newton Abbot?

On average Biology tutors in Newton Abbot cost £32.00.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement