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How To Be Productive During Revision

How To Be Productive During Revision

We all know that time is limited and there are probably hundreds of things you would rather be doing than revising for your exams. With limited time it becomes essential to make sure you use your time wisely to revise productively.

Here are our top tips to help you organise your time.

Create Revision Notes

A-Levels and GCSE are two year courses, in that time you will have accumulated an awful lot of revision notes. Begin your revision process by condensing these down into manageable chunks, using flash cards helps. By doing this you are actually beginning the revision process.

If you are short of notes on a given topic Revision World and other similar websites are an invaluable resource to help you fill in the blanks.

You can also consider creating your own mind maps so you can break a topic down further into keywords and phrases.

Take pictures. If you have hand-written notes and don’t want to type it up, why not take a picture of it instead and store it in something like Evernote?"

Grace Marshall - GraceMarshall.com.

Use Post-It Notes

Once you have condensed a topic down to single words or short phrases, put these on Post-It notes and stick them around your home. The next time you come to see the note you are reminded of the phrase and the meaning. Creating the Post-It notes is helping you to remember the subject as you go along.

The best thing to do is to give yourself somewhere between one and three hours for revision. Doing this will mean that you've given yourself a manageable, bite-size revision period, that will not overwork you and will not have you stressing out as you think that you're falling further and further behind."

Ben Maples, Digital and PR Exec. University Compare.
Form Study Groups

Revising on your own can be a lonely experience. You can mix this up by creating a study group.

Participating in group discussions can help most students to focus for longer, they can give you a different perspective on the topic you’re studying and will help you achieve a broader understanding of the subjects you’re revising. Explaining concepts and ideas to others is also a key way of strengthening your knowledge and consolidating your learning. Sharpening your exam technique while working with an expert tutor in a group setting makes for the perfect revision solution. 

Plan your answers

Remember to practice planning how to answer essay questions. It’s no good just knowing your stuff if you are unable to express your answer in a clear and intelligent way. Make sure you are confident in being able to break essay answers down to cover all parts of the question. Using Past Papers will help you to do this on a wide variety of questions. Learning to plan properly really is one of the most efficient uses of your revision time.

And finally ask for advice

If you are really struggling with a particular topic ask your teacher for advice. This may save you hours of time. Your teacher should be able to share with you how they remember how to solve that particular equation or how they remember the meaning of a particular word etc. You should also speak to your friends as they may be stronger on some topics than you are, whilst you might be able to help them with other topics.

Good Luck!

Kirstan N

Kirstan N

16th May 2017