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The Ultimate Revision Guide

With exams just around the corner, revision is on everyone's mind, but the real question is ‘What are the best revision tips?

Exam periods can be scary times, the grades you get can affect what you go on to do in later life, which can lead you to stress over the grades you’ll get. The best way to ensure you achieve your potential is to revise, make sure you retain the information you’ve been taught and know how to implement the knowledge that you have.

Unfortunately it’s not as straightforward as we’d all hope. With everybody having different learning styles it’s impossible to pinpoint exact techniques that work no matter what. What works for your friend might not work for you and vice-versa.

Fear not, as Tutorful decided to create this guide of the best revision tips and techniques. Not all of these tips are going to work well for you, but that’s why we’ve made sure to include a wide variety for you to read through. We also have a wide range of tutors who are able to offer support througfh the exam season.

We hope that reading through this guide will help give you some tips and ideas of what to do when you’re revising and more importantly, help you go on to achieve the grades you want!

And last but not least, good luck with your exams!

Scott Woodley

Scott Woodley

16th May 2017