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Meet some of our
6 tutors in Dumfries Galloway:

Elliot D
Durham University educated Geography, Maths and 11+ Tutor
Hello! I'm Elliot, a passionate and results-driven tutor with over a decade of experience in helping students achieve their academic goals. As a full-time tutor, I offer bespoke lessons in Human Geography, Physical Geography, and Maths for all levels, including primary schools, GCSEs, A-Levels, and university. I also specialise in SATs, 11+, and 13+ preparation, and provide support for essay writing, NEAs, and personal statements.About Me: I hold a degree in Geography from Durham University, a top 5 UK institution for the subject. With my background as a former Sixth Form Geography teacher and...
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Michael D
Personalised Tuition in Maths, Physics & Chemistry
Hi everyone, my name is Michael, and I'm very much looking forward to working with you! I have taught maths and physics to a wide variety of students, as a secondary school teacher, a college lecturer, and a personal tutor.I offer personalised support in working towards GCSE and A-level qualifications, catering to all main exam board specifications, as well as the SQA National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams.My experience has shown me that everybody learns in their own way, and it is therefore vital to tailor lessons to suit the students with whom I work. I bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm...
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Jyoti S
English Language and Literature Expert
Hi all, hope this finds you in good health! I am a certified TESOL(Teaching English to speakers of other Languages) Trainer from the University of Northumbria, Newcastle.I hold a Teaching Certification in English and have double majored in Business Management and Human Resource Management, with a Post Graduate in International Business.With rich corporate experience, I embarkedon teaching and am absolutely loving it. Have been tutoring for nearly 10 years now, both onlineand at reputed institutions. I love to engage with students and build an instant rapport with them.I don't have a rigid teaching...
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Paul K
Musician shares secrets of guitar, piano and violin..
I'm a 42year old, Edinburgh based musician with over thirty years experience playing multiple instruments. I have over ten years experience tutoring freelance (one on one) and an additional one year teaching a group guitar lesson (8 children, 2 teachers) once a week for a local charity. I have a BSc in Audio Technology and a HND in Sound Engineering and hope to study Music Therapy at a postgraduate level. As a musician, I started classical training at the age of four with the violin. Changing to viola around age nine, I also played lower brass instruments for 7years (Tuba/Euphonium) whilst singing...
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David K
Enthusiastic tutor and passionate about Sociology
I am awell qualified, very experienced and successful teacher of Sociology . I love my subject and I am keen to share my sociological knowledge !! I have taught A Level Sociology for over twenty years and I am confident that I can make a real difference to your understanding of the various theories, concepts and topic areas covered in the syllabus . In particular, I have lots of ideas of how to go beyond the textbook to apply contemporary material and gain those high grades that I have been able to help my students achieve in the past …..I am also an AQA examiner and I have been marking A Level e...
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Killian M
Politics and History tutor (Edexcel & AQA)
Current Head of Politics & History teacher. Also teaching some Classical Civilisation. In the 2021 exam round, all of my students achieved A or A*.Specialist in Edexcel/ AQA Government & Politics as well as GCSE History on the OCR or Edexcel exam boards.I currently teach all 8 UK Politics chapters as well as 4 Ideologies chapters and US Comparative Politics.Teaching in the UK education system since 2006.The focus of my approach is on exam practise and using past papers to understand assessment methods.Chapters taught: 1. Democracy and participation 2. Political parties 3. Electoral systems 4. Voting...
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Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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How have students rated the quality of tuition in Dumfries Galloway?

Students in Dumfries Galloway have rated the quality of their tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does tutoring cost in Dumfries Galloway?

On average tutors in Dumfries Galloway cost £32.00.

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