Private Spanish tuition with experienced tutors in Crowthorne.

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Meet some of our
9 Spanish tutors in Crowthorne:

Elisa F
Dedicated Spanish tutor
Hi, my name is Elisa. I am a native Spanish speaker with 10 years experience in teaching GCSE and A Level Spanish. I am also an A Level Spanish examiner for Edexcel. This role has allowed me to have in depth knowledge of the exam and its requirements which allows me to prepare students well.My lessons are delivered in a relaxed friendly environment where students are not afraid of making mistakes as this is a essential part of learning a language and being able to build their confidence in preparation for their speaking exam.I plan lessons that are engaging and builds on students’ previous knowledge, p...
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Adele K
Experienced Spanish tutor
I am a qualified French and Spanish teacher, who has a passion for teaching modern foreign languages. Iam experienced in teaching to both students looking to do their GCSE's and Adult learners. Please see below for further information:For students looking to improve their language skills for their GCSE's:I have had lots of success improving students speaking skills, especially at GCSE level, as well as writing, reading and listening skills. I have specifically researched and written master level essays about teaching writing and listening skills. I have experience teaching both foundation students...
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Iveta K
Spanish Tutor of 5 European Languages
Hello, I am a teacher with 31 years of teaching experience. I was born in former Czechoslovakia, though, my mother language is Hungarian.From elementary school up to high school, we had the Russian language as a compulsory subject. Therefore, as a child, I grew up with four languages (Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Russian) Some of them I was able to utilize at my private Day Care Centre in my hometown back in Slovakia. Later on, I moved to England where I worked for 7 years at Wellington College and, in a natural way, I was able to improve my English. For 5years I lived in one of the most beautiful...
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Martina M
Expert Spanish tutor
Since 2015, I have worked as both a private tutor and a schoolteacher, teaching predominantly Spanish and English to students of all ages and abilities in person and online.Given my lifelong love of language, I studied Spanish and English Literature at GCSE, achieving grades A* and A respectively, and at A-level, achieving grades B and A* respectively.In 2015, I took my studies a step further at the University of Reading. It was then, in my first year, that I began tutoring, initially with no plans to pursue teaching in the long run. Before long, however, I had developed a passion for it, accumulating...
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Ewan H
Dedicated Spanish Tutor
Hi my name is Ewan Henderson, I have been learning Spanish and French since I was 11 years old. My Spanish and French teachers helped grow my passion for languages from a young age which led me to choose a degree in Modern Foreign languages at the University of St Andrews. I have recently graduated from St Andrews with a MA (Hons) in French and Spanish. I have spent time in both France and Spain at separate language schools and loved learning about the cultures of both countries. I spent a semester studying at La Sorbonne in Paris where I greatly improved my skills and immersed myself in the culture....
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Valda H
Excellent Spanish tutor
Hi , Welcome to my profile. I hold a BA ( Hons) in Spanish and German with European Studies.I also studied French as an extra subject at university.I am an enthusiatic person and have a passion for language learning.I think that everyone should learn a second language. It is a brilliant way to learn about other cultures.I have been tutoring since 2001 andoffer private tuition to all levels and ages. So whether you want to learn a language for work purposes, school or leisure I can help you.The majority of my teaching experience has been one to one but I also do group sessions, as requested, for...
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Tatiana S
Practical Spanish Tutor
I am experienced teaching 1-1 and to groups of all ages. I primarily teach Castellan Spanish, which is my mother tongue and the most common language of mainland Spain. I am equally able to teach South American Spanish due to my South American heritage. I like to personalise classes to suit different abilities and learning styles. I will use a mix of resources and activities to challenge you and ensure steady progress. Conversation is key and practise makes perfect, so be prepared to reinforce knowledge in new and spontaneous ways. Expect a healthy mix of written and spoken Spanish.Regardless of...
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Nigel Q
Oxford University trained Spanish tutor
I have been teaching in secondary education for over 10 years and have a deep understanding of GCSE and A-Level exam boards for Modern Languages, as well as being able to build a rapport with young people.Having completed my PGCE at the University of Oxford, I worked as Head of Department at a secondary school. I worked with A-level and GCSE students on a daily basis and understand the requirements to achieve top grades in these exams. I have a thorough knowledge of Modern Languages and have a degree in French and Hispanic Studies from the University of Nottingham.I am a dynamic and enthusiastic...
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Miriam U
Patient and Adaptable Spanish Tutor
I am a PhD graduate in Language and Linguistics who has been teaching privately and in the higher education sector for a number of years. My thesis was published as a book shortly after graduating. I also hold an MA in Computational Linguistics and a BA in English Language and Literature. I have worked teaching Spanish in Japan, and I have taught in two British universities: Essex and Middlesex. My work experience also covers the private sector, having worked as a legal researcher for a number of years.I also dedicate my time to proofread, write and edit from my own home. I am a native Catalan...
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Brilliant Spanish tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

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is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Spanish tuition in Crowthorne?

Students in Crowthorne have rated the quality of their Spanish tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Spanish tutoring cost in Crowthorne?

On average Spanish tutors in Crowthorne cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement