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Meet some of our
7 Further Maths tutors in Beverley:

Ian T
Experienced, enthusiastic Further Maths Specialist...
Hi, My name is Ian and I am a qualified teacher, Maths Lecturer, and private tutor.I specialize in Maths and have experience with preparing students for Edexcel, OCR, and AQA exams at both GCSE and A Level. I have also helped students study towards IGCSE and private entrance exams for schools Uppingham, Oundle, and Westminster School. In addition, I am skilled in functional skills and helping students learn using their preferred learning style.If you need help building confidence, with algebra, or algorithms, I can help you. Whether it's algebra in year 11 or differentiation in year 12, you choose...
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Joe A
A kind and experienced Further Maths specialist
Hello everyone! I have 1000's of hours of maths tutoring experience, with an expertise in GCSE through to University level. My background is in pure mathematics, which I studied at an MSc at The University of Nottingham, where I averaged a first class grade over all of my exams. I am a fun, caring and patient tutor who is very adaptable, capable of moulding tutoring sessions to best fit you! My passion for the subject shines through during my sessions. My mentality in teaching has always been: If you can't explain it simply, you don't know it well enough. So I ensure all my students leave with...
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Peter J
Friendly (I really am !), knowledgeable, enthusiastic tutor: A-level Further Maths
Let me start by saying that I honestly believe that laughing together assists learning.So, throughout my teaching career, I take great joy in establishing excellent rapport with students under my tutelage; my personal opinion is that students learn best in a relaxed, friendly yet purposeful environment.At the same time, I am absolutely, totally 100% confident that I will provide you with excellent mathematics tuition.Onto the more factual stuff …. In May 2019, I retired from teaching A-level Mathematics and A-level Further Mathematics, with 36 years’ experience, at the very successful Winstanley Col...
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Andres P
Astrophysics PhD student tutoring Further Maths for 6 years
I am an astrophysics PhD researcher at the University of Birmingham with five years of tutoring experience in Physics and Maths. I am looking to offer students the additional support they need to fulfil their potential and achieve the highest grade possible. I am available to teach Maths, Further Maths and Physics at any level up to and including A Level. I am also able to teach some undergraduate physics topics on a case-by-case basis - please inquire if you are interested.In terms of my teaching approach, I believe that working through example problems to highlight the important points of each...
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Jettie B
Lively Further Maths Tutor. Enthusiastic about all things Further Maths.
I am a maths teacher currently teaching in a secondary school with a 6th form. I’m very passionate and enthusiastic about all aspects of maths. I love helping others and widening the knowledge of future generations, teaching is a vocation for me.I have had many years experience of teaching maths and have gained fantastic results and feedback from my students and parents. Even though I am young I have had lots of experience teaching maths, inside of school and with private tuition. I have also taken part in a 4-week government run program designed to encourage students to go into teaching, which i...
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Ihar D
Further Maths Tutor - First Class Master's from the University of Nottingham
A strong communicator, that can perform at different level and speed to tailor-suit your child/student needs, and present complex mathematical techniques and information clearly and concisely.Recipient of several awards and commendations for performance and achievements in his chosen field, works with enthusiasm to deliver exceptional results. Exhibits excellent time management and organisational abilities, multi-tasking to realise academic objectives, paying close attention to detail and working efficiently and methodically as part of a team.A tutor for High-School, College and University students...
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Fuat K
Experienced Further Maths tutor
I have over 25 years of experiences in teaching and assessments in higher educations as well as GCSE and A-levels. I have engineering background and hold PhD degree in applied mathematics fields. I have also teaching qualification in higher educations. I have educated the students in Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Master of Engineering (Meng), Master of Sciences (MSc), and PhD levels.I аm fаmiliаr with аll exаm bоаrds аnd the current specificаtiоns. I аm pаssiоnаte аbоut helping yоung peоple tо аchieve their pоtentiаl. My lessоns аre engаging аnd relevаnt. I use exаmples frоm everydаy life tо explа...
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Brilliant Further Maths tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

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Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association

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How have students rated the quality of Further Maths tuition in Beverley?

Students in Beverley have rated the quality of their Further Maths tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Further Maths tutoring cost in Beverley?

On average Further Maths tutors in Beverley cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement