Private French tuition with experienced tutors in Dagenham.

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Get inspiring online tuition with our hand-picked and highly-rated French tutors.

Trusted tutors with 2+ years experience and full DBS checks 📚
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A great first lesson guaranteed - or we’ll pay for your next one ✅
Lessons from just £20p/h - with no hidden fees 💷

Meet some of our
75 French tutors in Dagenham:

Amrita Kaur S
Creative and Effective French Tutor
I am a creative and patient tutor that can provide help whenever is needed. I am currently in University, so my time and availability might be limited but I will try and make as much time as possible for teaching. I have some experience when teaching as I have helped my little brother with his learning. Before teaching, I will ask the student, what their strengths and weaknesses are so that I would know what to focus on more and what can be just recapped. Before my lessons, I would create a powerpoint and use aset of revision notes in order to help the student with their learning. As I would teach...
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Tasnim A
Professional French tutor
My name is Tasnim Ahmed and I am currently studying Pharmacology at a Russell group. I have been teaching for 2-3 years and enjoy teaching kids of all ages. I love sharing my knowledge and helping those in need of help. My favourite part about teaching is seeing people enjoy learning and not seeing it as a chore. During our lessons, I go through the learning objectives and mainly teach through PowerPoints, whiteboard and exam questions. I also provide free resources which come with the cost included. I ensure that the student has left the lesson confident and make sure everyone is satisfied. I...
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Daria K
Helping you make French easy | Oxford-educated Tutor ⚖️
Hi! I am here to help you achieve your goals in A-Level/GCSE/KS3 English (Lit & Lang), History, French & any essay-based Humanities subjects + GCSE/KS3 Maths.I can also help you with Oxbridge prep – even though I was state-educated, I taught myself how to excel in admissions and got into one of the most competitive social sciences courses in Oxford: Law with Law Studies in Europe. I can help you with your personal statement, LNAT prep, interview prep & language interviews – I will make sure you’re rigorously prepared and ready to take on any challenge!I also really understand how difficult it ca...
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Simi I
Supportive French tutor
My name is Simi and I wish to be your Key Stage level to GCSE Tutor!I have a Masters in Immunology from Imperial College London and have taught Secondary School level Science at a top 400 Comprehensive for over a year. My students have achieved grades ranging from one and four grades above their projected level. **(NOTE: Students from St Thomas More RC Comprehensive will receive extra FREE benefits AND a discount - send me an inbox for more details!)** I have experience teaching Maths to children aged 5 to 16yrs and have learned how to cater to different ages, personality types and learning differences....
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Emma C
Supportive and friendly French tutor
I am originally French, now based in London. I moved to the UK for my studies 8 years ago, I am thus bilingual. I work within the theatre industry, which is the result or the reason for my interest in communication, storytelling, languages, cultures, accents, and learning in general. As I experienced myself navigating a new language and culture by moving to a new country, I am equipped with the experience, empathy, and patience that we should all face when taking on this journey. My priority is to provide suited support in your journey to familiarise yourself with French, whether it is to prepare...
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David H
Experienced & Qualified Primary School French Teacher (11+ & SATs)
Hi there! I'm David - a fully qualified primary school teacher with over 10 years teaching experience. I've taught children with SEN, EAL, behavioural problems and gifted children, across all primary stages. In the past 2 years, I have been tutoring online.Most of my teaching has been in Year 6, specialising in getting children ready for the 11+ exams (English, Maths, Verbal & Non Verbal) and SATs papers (Reading, SPaG & Maths). I know how tricky and confusing it can be for children - and parents - in the lead up to these tests. Whilst tutoring online, I have been specifically focusing on bridging...
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98% of our students said
their tutors made a difference

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Brilliant French tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.
Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
asked questions
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How have students rated the quality of French tuition in Dagenham?

Students in Dagenham have rated the quality of their French tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does French tutoring cost in Dagenham?

On average French tutors in Dagenham cost £32.00.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement