Private English tuition with experienced tutors in Hungerford.

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Meet some of our
8 English tutors in Hungerford:

Abbie T
Energetic English
Every student has unique learning superpowers! My goal is to unlock them with a personalised approach to teaching. Whether your child needs a little boost or more self-belief and resilience, I'm here to help.I specialise in making learning fun and relatable. My lessons blend hands-on activities, real-world connections, and a mix of visual, auditory, and movement-based strategies to make knowledge more understandable and easily recalled.I'm well-versed in core Primary subjects like English, maths, reading, writing; as well as science, French, Spanish, history, PE, and computing skills. With a Primary...
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Amanda G
Creative English tutor
I am a very experienced primary school teacher and a maths mastery specialist. I have been teaching for 20 years and have taught from Foundation up to Year 6 in all areas of the curriculum. I have a great dealof experience teaching children with specific difficulties or special needs, as well as children that need their confidence building and their love for learning reigniting. I always plan my lessons around the children and their needs and have excellent results in the classroom and with the pupils I tutor. I address thegaps in the children’s learning, therefore ensuring that they make good p...
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Miles F
Young and enthusiastic tutor of English and History
Hi, my name is Miles and I am a Master's Student at the Warburg Institute, University of London. I have a First Class degree in Art History from the Courtauld Institute and I am an experienced tutor. I am able to tutor GCSE English Literature and Language, History, and Music, as well as A-Level English, having received A*s in these subjects. I pride myself on being a friendly and engaging tutor; I have helped many students achieve their ideal grades through support and encouragement. I am able to teach all the core exam boards, such as AQA, Edexcel, and OCR. In a lesson, we can revise exam content...
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Georgia B
Enthusiastic English tutor focusing on exam technique
I'm a first-class Law and English Literature graduate student, passionate about inspiring confidence in my students and helping them improve their final grades.I am confident that I know what examiners are looking for and how to achieve the top marks in exams as someone who achieved all A*s at GCSE and A level, in including 100% in A level English Literature, as well as graduating in the top 10% of the my cohort In English Literature and the Graduate Diploma in Law. Having written many first-class essays for my degrees, I have picked up many tips and techniques to effectively plan, structure and...
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Richard B
English English History
Hello, I'm Richard.I'm a calm and professional tutor with years of work helping teach and tutor younger years from 11 Plus to GCSE. I know the ropes and what's expected of students, especially Humanities, English, and History and their associated exam boards.I studied History, German and Mathematics at A Level and went on to receive a 1st Class Scottish Master's Degree from the University of Edinburgh.I'm looking to teach my great passions of History and English to others with engaging but never stressful tutorlage.My previous teaching experience - both at primary schools and secondary - is broad...
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Mark J
Experienced English tutor.
I am an experienced English Language and Literature teacher. I specialise in tutoring students who are preparing for GCSE English Language and Literature and A Level English Literature; I also offer support for BA, MA and PhD students with essays and dissertations. I teach across all exam boards. My own PhD is in English Literature and I have over 20 years' teaching experience in undergraduate English, A Level, GCSE and Functional Skills. I have taught post-16s and adults in Further Education, adults on family learning programmes in schools, university students, and disadvantaged young people in...
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Sophie C
Experienced English English literature and language tutor.
Hello! My name is Sophie and I graduated from Durham University in English Literature in June 2024. I decided to study English Literature at university because I've always loved reading books and discussing them at length. Reading and analysing books gives us a better understanding of the world we operate within, human psychology, and the past. Outside of English, I love to draw, knit, and embroider. I also come from a big family, so I love spending time with them when we are together. I grew up internationally and lived in several countries before finally moving back to the UK.I also write my...
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Jessica P
English Highly experienced, friendly tutor
Not only am I a supportive and encouraging teacher, with many years of experience as a qualified teacher but I also work for the Department for Education as an Education Consultant which means that my lessons are highly effective. I have prepared fast track courses to support students from the age of 5 right through to masters university level.I am fortunate enough to be an Examiner of KS2, GCSE and A-Level providing me with detailed insight into a range of exam boards as well as working on university-based assessment panels.I have enjoyed many years of work as a private tutor on a 1:1/small group...
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Brilliant English tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.
Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of English tuition in Hungerford?

Students in Hungerford have rated the quality of their English tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does English tutoring cost in Hungerford?

On average English tutors in Hungerford cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement