Private English Literature tuition with experienced tutors in Milton Keynes.

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Meet some of our
9 English Literature tutors in Milton Keynes:

Laura M
Expert English Literature Tutor: 6 Years, 4000+ Hours, Proven Results
Hi there! I'm Laura, an experienced English tutor passionate about helping students achieve their dream grades.Education: 2:1 BA (Hons) in English Literature, University of Warwick (2020) Experience: 6+ years of full-time tutoring Age Range: Year 7 - Year 13My Journey My journey with English began as a struggle. In reception, I inadvertently surprised my teachers by 'reading' a book to the class; in reality, I had merely memorised the words from an audiobook in a creative attempt to sidestep the challenge of actual reading! Through perseverance and the guidance of exceptional teachers, I gradually...
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Erica L
KS3/GCSE English Literature English
I teach English from years 3 - 9 as well as at GCSE level. I can help tobuild confidence in reading, writing and spelling.I have worked for six years as a 1:1 tutor of GCSE English at a large comprehensive school. The students found it particularly helpful to study, discuss and answer questions from past papers. I have also worked as an assistant examiner for AQA GCSE English.For the last three years I have tutored both the lower and higher high school years using tutorful’s online classroom and this has been successful.I can provide a termly academic plan for your primary school child so that h...
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Saahiba K
Enthusiastic primary tutor English Literature
A sentence to introduce yourself to students I am a teacher of 6 years with experience teaching form early years to KS3. I enjoy teaching and ave a great passion to build children's love for learning. What previous tutoring experience do you have? I have been the RWI phonics lead for 3 years, encouraging our next generation of readers to read for pleasure! What is your teaching style/how would you run your lessons? I usually start with a 'what do you know?' and them move onto introducing the lesson by teaching the concept. I would then do some example questions with the child,...
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Gemma F
Professional English Literature English teacher
I have worked as a teacher of English since 2014, after completing my PGCE and undergraduate degree in English. I have worked in a range of different contexts, I have taught KS3 and KS4, and I achieved QTS in 2015.My specialism is helping students who are taking their GCSE English Language again. Some students may need a higher grade than previously achieved for their chosen university or the student might need a higher grade in order to progress to their next level of study.I incorporate reading for fun into every lesson because it helps the student to expand their vocabulary, notice how punctuation...
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Valentina S
Experienced and passionate English teacher English Literature English
I am an English teacher with years of experience working in an Ofsted Outstanding grammar school. I obtained my teaching qualification (PGCE) from the University of Oxford, my MA from King's College London and my BA from the University of Warwick. I am passionate about my subject and tutored online for my entire Masters year, which is what inspired me to pursue teaching as a career. My teaching style is tailored to the student's individual needs, goals and learning style. I will discuss the student's goals as well as their strengths and weaknesses, and then produce a learning plan suited for them....
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Callum S
GCSE English Literature can be fun
I started tutoring when I was in University studying Music. I have tutored freelance for the last 3 years. I have had great success tutoring English and Music focussing on exam and essay technique. I have learned that most teachers in school are teaching curriculum content well, but most students don't know how to express their knowledge in their essays. This is easily fixed! Most of my skill as a tutor has come from the fact that I was no natural at writing essays myself. I have had to learn what the examiner is looking for and hone my skills in order to communicate my ideas. As a musician I have...
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Ifa M
Qualified and experienced English Literature tutor. GCSE and A Level.
Hello,I am a highly experienced and qualified English teacher (PGCE with QTS). I teach in various settings including mainstream, SEND schools, PRU's and also offer 1:1 tuition. I am passionate about inspiring young people to enjoy English and derive value and meaning from their studies. Whether I am in a private schoolor a Pupil Referral Unit for students with challenging behaviour, I consistently engage, inspire and develop excellence.I support students to expand their knowledge, develop their confidence and flourish academically. All of my students from last year have attained 2-4grades above...
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Catherine C
Experienced, enthusiastic Primary and Secondary language English Literature teacher
I'm an experienced teacher with a decade of teaching in an inner London primary school and experience tutoring pupils with a broad range of ages, diverse backgrounds and needs. Having taught pupils privately in person and teaching remotely during the pandemic, I am equipped to maximise on my skills and support students further online. My pupils comment on how open, friendly and supportive my approach is, finding what motivates the student and tailoring lessons and next steps for them to progress and achieve their goals. I believe in creating a strong rapport with my pupils in order for them to...
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Emilija R
Expert English Literature tutor
I am a second year university student, looking to further my passion of teaching English. I have extensive experience working in teaching roles, and am dedicated to use my knowledge to help build the students’ confidence in both the subject and themselves.For a short period of time, I assisted at a secondary school as a temporary teaching assistant, where I was able to shadow professionals, assist students in written and oral work, as well as lead some of my own KS3 lessons.In terms of subject specific knowledge, I achieved a grade 9 in both English Literature and Language at GCSE level, as well a...
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Brilliant English Literature tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of English Literature tuition in Milton Keynes?

Students in Milton Keynes have rated the quality of their English Literature tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does English Literature tutoring cost in Milton Keynes?

On average English Literature tutors in Milton Keynes cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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