Private Chemistry tuition with experienced tutors in Inverness.

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Trusted tutors with 2+ years experience and full DBS checks 📚
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Lessons from just £20p/h - with no hidden fees 💷

Meet some of our
8 Chemistry tutors in Inverness:

Brodie T
Inspiring Chemistry Science tutor
With close to a decade of teaching experience spanning the UK, international schools, and online platforms, I've developed a teaching style that's both calming and tailored to individual students. Each lesson kicks off with an engaging starter activity to gauge prior knowledge, followed by clear objectives aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy. I employ various teaching methods, such as interactive tools like Pear Deck, to keep lessons lively and informative. Progress is continuously monitored through mini-plenaries, with a comprehensive wrap-up at the end. Outside of class, I provide additional resources,...
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Beth C
Chemistry Friendly medical student tutor!
My name is Beth and I'm a medical student at the University of Edinburgh. I have six years of experience in one-to-one and small-group academic tutoring, and offer support in Biology, French and English Literature to students at A-Level / Scottish Higher and below. I'm always enthusiastic about encouraging enjoyment of learning, and supporting interests both within and beyond the curriculum. If you have specific interests, career ideas or just love learning in a certain way, please don't hesitate to let me know and we can work out how best to support you together.My qualifications include: 12 ...
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Nichole M
Determined Chemistry teacher
I have a BSc Honours in Forensic Science with a PGDE in Chemistry with Science. I have 4+ years experience of teaching SQA National 5 Chemistry; 3 years experience of teaching SQA Higher Chemistry and 1+ years experience in tutoring at these levels. The results returned by pupils have been incredible, a testament to the hard work my pupils put into their studies as well as the excellent academic and emotional support provided by myself.I will guide you through your studies with patience and efficiency. As a sole teacher of Chemistry in a small rural school, I have developed skills in assisting...
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Douglas B
Highly experienced Chemistry Tutor
Hello, and welcome! I'm an experienced educator with a tutoring journey spanning over 14 years. I've had the privilege of teaching and shaping the futures of more than thousands of students while specialising in the Scottish curriculum.My passion for education extends far beyond the classroom. I see myself not just as a teacher but as a mentor, dedicated to inspiring students and fostering a love for learning. I firmly believe that education is the key to a brighter future and have committed myself to providing high-quality instruction in line with the Scottish curriculum.With a deep understanding...
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Eduarda T
"Experienced Chemistry tutor"
My name is Eduarda Tomas, I am a dedicated and experienced tutor for more than 14 years. I have a Masters degree in engineering and a Ph. D. in electrochemistry. I am currently attending a MA in Mathematics in order to expand my knowledge and consolidate my knowledge in Mathematics. During this time, I helped students from different level of knowledge to consolidate and enhanced their abilities to follow their different aspirations in life. For the last 14 years, I tutor Mathematics, Science, Chemistry and Physics all the way from primary to university and I worked with pupils from 5 years old...
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Narin K
Energetic Chemistry tutor
Hello I'm Narin, I am a research scientist who has been in the research field for the past 15 years. I specialise in microbiology and molecular biology where I had the opportunity to teach and explore exciting research projects at universities and private start-up companies. I graduated from a microbiology degree in 2009 and have also held a doctorate (PhD) in molecular biology since 2014 from the University of Nottingham. I've always had the passion for teaching and I believe that sharing knowledge is the key foundation for having amazing science breakthroughs.I have been tutoring for the past...
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Ryan S
Experience Chemistry tutor with an passion for teaching
I am a maths and science tutor with 6 years of experience, specialising in online tutoring for the last 3 years. I have also lectured at 2 colleges in Scotland as well as been involved in teaching at university level. My tutoring style is friendly and relaxed. I love to help people learn about STEM subjects and especially enjoy assisting pupils to improve their grades and achieve their goals. I believe in making learning fun and exciting for my pupils, whether they're 8 or 18, and I try to make lessons interactive and enjoyable.In my current position, I focus on hard-to-reach learners who often...
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Ola A
Enthusiastic Chemistry tutor
Hello! I’m a Data and Business Intelligence Engineer at ASOS and a First-Class Chemical Engineering graduate with a strong passion for helping students excel in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.I achieved five A’s in my Scottish Higher Qualifications (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and Computing) and two A’s in my Advanced Higher Qualifications (Physics and Mathematics). With this solid academic foundation, I am well-equipped to guide you toward success in your GCSE, National 5, Scottish Higher, Advanced Higher, or A-Level examinations.My goal is to help you overcome challenges by bu...
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98% of our students said
their tutors made a difference

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Brilliant Chemistry tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.
Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
asked questions
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How have students rated the quality of Chemistry tuition in Inverness?

Students in Inverness have rated the quality of their Chemistry tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Chemistry tutoring cost in Inverness?

On average Chemistry tutors in Inverness cost £32.00.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement