Private Biology tuition with experienced tutors in Swansea.

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Meet some of our
7 Biology tutors in Swansea:

Farhadh U
Experienced Biology tutor
~ 100 hours of Tutoring Experience - Year 1 Medical Student (Cardiff University) - A Levels: A*AAA - GCSEs: 8A*s and 4As (Including Maths, English and Science) - UCAT: 91st Percentile (Top 9%)As a Year 1 Medical Student at Cardiff University, I am enthusiastic about sharing my passion for the sciences through online tutoring on Tutorful. With an impressive academic background, including A*AA in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths A-Levels, as well as 8A*s and 4As at GCSE, I am well-equipped to guide students to excel in their studies.My teaching style revolves around fostering an interactive and engaging...
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Raadhiyah B
Effective Biology tutor
Hi, my name is Raadhiyah. I am currently a second year medical student at Swansea University, with a BSc in Applied Medical Science. Previous to this, I completed my A-Levels and GCSEs under the new curriculum. I have always enjoyed teaching those around me and was pretending to be a teacher from an early age. My teaching style is very much adaptable and can be based on what you prefer. I am very willing to spend extra time on specific areas as well as providing additional material for study outside of lesson hours. I do like to provide some homework to reflect on the lesson and solid lesson content....
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Senna A
Inspiring Biology tutor
As a Dentistry student at the University of Glasgow, I bring a strong background in biology, chemistry, and physics to my tutoring sessions. I focus on making learning enjoyable and personalized to each student’s needs. My teaching style is interactive and hands-on, encouraging questions and ensuring deep understanding. I typically start lessons with a review, introduce new material, and wrap up with practice problems or a recap. My goal is to create a relaxed, supportive environment where students feel confident and engaged. With my background in Dentistry, I specialize in biology, chemistry, a...
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Junaid H
3rd Year Medical Student Biology Tutor
A bit about me I am 3rd year medical student at Swansea University (2022-2026), graduated with a 1st class Biomedical Science degree in July 2018. I have workedMonday to Friday in a NHS Hamaetology and Blood Transfusion laboratory.* Graduate Medical Student (Sep 2022-2026) * 1st Class in Biomedical Science Bsc (Hons) * NHS Hamaetology and Blood Transfusion laboratory (May 2018-July 2022) * Volunteer at Disability Stockport (September 2017- August 2018) * GCSE and Primary School Tutor (January 2014- Current) * Saint John Ambulance First Aid Award (June 2017-June 2020) * 7 GCSE Grades at A including...
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Bethany O
Patient Biology tutor
Hello, my name is Bethany! I have a previous undergraduate degree in Medical Genetics and I am now currently in my second year of Medicine! With this background it has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of subjects such as maths, biology and chemistry. I am able to use this knowledge and understand the importance of delivering complicated topics and delivering them in an efficient way. From my own experience I recognise that understanding an unfamiliar topic can initially pose a challenge. However, through a process of breaking the information down into more digestible components and...
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Tegan G
Supportive Biology tutor
Hello! My name is Tegan. I have three years experience teaching and have previously tutored online international qualifications in science.I am an engaging teacher with experience of the WJEC curriculum from KS3 to GCSE for double science, biology, chemistry and physics.I am passionate about science and ensure that every learner is reaching their potential. My qualifications include BSc Ocean Science from University of Plymouth, and QTS gained through a PGCE from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Also, I am currently undertaking an MSc Astrobiology from Birkbeck University.My patience,...
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Arun G
Oxford Biology Tutor
My name is Arun and I am a medical student and help tutor Maths and Sciences at GCSE and A-level.I was awarded six 9s and four 8s at GCSE and A*A*A in A-level Biology, Math and Chemistry Exams and tests can seem daunting, but with the proper preparation and technique, I believe anyone can get amazing results.My sessions involve breaking down a topic into easy to understand fundamental details and going over some practice questions in order to get a good grasp of the foundational knowledge and to apply that knowledge in an exam setting. For students in the process of applying to university, I understand...
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Brilliant Biology tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

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Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
asked questions
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How have students rated the quality of Biology tuition in Swansea?

Students in Swansea have rated the quality of their Biology tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Biology tutoring cost in Swansea?

On average Biology tutors in Swansea cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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