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Meet some of our
12 Biology tutors in Nailsea:

Richard H
Examiner and Highly Experienced Biology Tutor
Hi, I'm Rich.I have over 10 years of experience as a GCSE and A-level science tutor specialising in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Maths. I'm also an experienced examiner for the Edexcel exam board.I'm passionate about science and have a relaxed and patient style of teaching which focuses on the enjoyment of learning. I also focus on ensuring maximum understanding of exam technique and subject content.I have an excellent knowledge of the education system having taught Physics, Chemistry and Biology at a large comprehensive school in Brighton for five years. I am therefore very familiar with the...
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Ivaylo K
Dedicated and Committed Biology Science Tutor
Hello everyone. I've had a passion for science from a very young age. I grew up in a small village in Bulgaria and I was always surrounded by nature and animals and I grew up that way. That's when my passion for science began and since then I've always aimed and strived to explore and study science and here I am now sharing my knowledge and expertise with you guys. I have over 2 years experience in tutoring KS3/4, A-level (including BTEC) and university. Human Biology specifically fascinates me because I am able to explore and understand the complexity of how our bodies function day-to-day. Being...
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Sara H
Qualified, patient Maths and Biology teacher Biology
Hi, this tutoring rate is for a 45 mins Maths or Biology tutoring session during the school day.I think this is a good time length for teaching Maths and Biology.First lesson is half price.I'm fully booked now for regular weekly tutoring sessions from September.I am usually available to chat/discuss/respond to questions during the day as think its important that we work as a team, to help your child achieve their best.I'm a qualified teacher (have taught at schools for many years) and have also been tutoring now for over three years, (tutored over 1000 sessions).As I'm very patient and a qualified...
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Charis A
Inspiring and Biology tutor
I am a third-year medical student who has always had a keen interest in chemistry and biology as I enjoyed learning how they relate to everyday life and more pertinently health sciences and using my knowledge of them to help others. The functionality of maths has always been of interest to me and it intrigues me to see how although there may be one correct answer there is numerous ways of working it out and this highlights the individuality of everybody's thought processes. Being able to apply each of these sciences I studied at A-Level to my degree is very rewarding and a unique aspect of medicine.After...
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Alexander M
Methodical & Patient Biology Tutor
Hi! I’m Alexander, I’m here to help you get to grips with the wonderful world of Maths & Science.I understand how complex this field can be, and my teaching style reflects that. I have a purposeful and methodical approach to concepts and problems that ensure students have full comprehension all the way through, and allow students to build on strong foundations of knowledgeI have an A* in A-Level Maths, Physics, and Biology, as well as an A* in AS Level Chemistry.I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of BristolI have been teaching Karate, Swimming since I was 14 which rea...
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Maria A
Engaging, patient and supportive Biology tutor
I’m Maria, I have great experience working as a tutor previously and currently. I am a masters student going into my fourth year studying Biochemistry at the University of Bristol! I really enjoy helping other people learn and hope to improve student’s confidence during their studies as well as teach in an engaging way. Since I am still a student I find that I can engage with students in a more relatable way and introduce them to things that helped me achieve my good grades. I have tutored many different ages groups previously, both online and in person, throughout University. I have helped stu...
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Rai S
QTS Teacher and Examiner A level Biology and GCSE Biology
I have over 25 years teaching experience as a Head of Chemistry and Science teacher. My qualifications include a University degree in Chemistry and Post Graduate Certificate in Education. I specialise in Advanced level Chemistry but can also offer GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics. My strengths are expertise subject knowledge, outstanding record of examination success, good communication and working relationships with all students. I believe good lesson planning and preparation together with the ability to utilise a variety of teaching methods incorporating differentiation to meet all needs and...
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Sheilagh R
Experienced, effective, slightly nutty Biology tutor
** Stop Press: I am currently fully booked for lessons after 4pm but have some morning availability for students not currently attending school. **Hello. I'm an experienced science teacher who has worked in education for 26 years. I currently teach chemistry, biology and science GCSEs and I have the enviable reputation amongst students of being 'the nutty one'!I'm not really mad - I just enjoy making my lessons fun and creative - I use props such as ping pong balls and Barbie dolls - whatever it takes to make learning visual and enjoyable, whilst ensuring that learning happens.My notable reputation...
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Isaac D
Passionate, committed and experienced Biology Tutor
Hello there! I’m Isaac, a dedicated medical student at Newcastle University with a profound enthusiasm for both learning and teaching. My journey in tutoring, particularly with MyTutor and Tutorful over the past couple of years, has honed my teaching abilities and allowed me to assist students in excelling in exams while nurturing a comprehensive understanding of the subjects.I prioritise my students' progress and maintain open lines of communication between lessons. Every tutoring session is a unique opportunity for me to tailor my teaching approach to accommodate the individual learning style o...
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Patrick B
Experienced Maths and Science Tutor Biology and Science
I enjoy Mathematics greatly, having studied both Maths and Further Maths at A-Level, also while I was at sixth form I took part in working as a classroom assistant in Year 8 Maths lessons, which gave me valuable experience at teaching students. I took part in another programme which taught the elderly how to be computer literate, these two experiences have given me very different skills to utilise whilst teaching.In my experience as a one-on-one tutor I have usually found my best strategy is to utilise examples, both ones I work through myself and others I assist my students in working through,...
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Alyasa H
Motivating and Friendly Biology teacher - Warwick graduate
Are you looking to receive high quality teaching and gain amazing results in your educational life?My mission is to make a difference and improve the education and lives of as many students as possible to give themthe very best chance to succeed in this everchanging and seemingly challenging world.I am a fully trained and qualified teacher currently who has worked at a secondary school rated 'Outstanding' in the UK. I graduated from the university of Warwick and have also been a private tutor for over 5 years with a 100% pass rate. This created a spark of passion for teaching which has led me to...
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Amarpreet S
Biology Tutor - Mr. Singh - calm, purposeful, guaranteed results!
An experienced Science Teacher working in the best Academy in Birmingham. My results speak for themselves and I guarantee improvement with my methods of teaching. I have a calm, friendly approach and have many unique ways of breaking down difficult concepts into smaller manageable chunks that make sense! If you are finding Science difficult or need to brush up on your Science, then you do not need to look any further, you have found the right person for the job. All of my classes that I taught last year made positive progress towards their target grades. Being in this profession for a number of...
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Brilliant Biology tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

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All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

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is focused on the safety of students.

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Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association

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How have students rated the quality of Biology tuition in Nailsea?

Students in Nailsea have rated the quality of their Biology tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Biology tutoring cost in Nailsea?

On average Biology tutors in Nailsea cost £32.00.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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