Browse our Statistics tutor jobs below. We have over 1,000 tutoring jobs and requests for private Statistics tuition posted every month on Tutorful to our team of over 10,000 tutors.
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The student is looking for a tutor to conduct one or two sessions covering Regression Analysis, Sample Size Estimation, and Analyzing 2X2 Tables, with additional knowledge of interpreting SPSS outputs.
Become a tutor to applyThe student is in their final year of a PhD programme focused on cancer research, specifically studying the translation process of mRNAs in cells. They are seeking a statistics tutor to aid in understanding the interactions between various factors that influence mRNA regulation for deeper biological insights. The student is an intermediate user of RStudio with limited knowledge of supervised machine learning tree-based methods and is looking to refresh their undergraduate statistical knowledge. A background in biology is preferred but not essential for the tutoring sessions.
Become a tutor to applyThe student is currently studying Statistics at university and is seeking a tutor for assistance with coding in R and certain Economics modules.
Become a tutor to applyThe student is studying MSc Forensic Psychology and needs help with testing the assumptions of a MANCOVA and the MANCOVA itself using Jamovi. They would appreciate assistance from someone knowledgeable in Jamovi and data interpretation as their dissertation deadline is next week and their supervisor is unavailable. Thank you!
Become a tutor to applyThe student is seeking a tutor familiar with Mplus for conducting Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM). They have questions about Heywood cases and model fit issues on their dataset and would like to discuss these topics during online tutoring sessions.
Become a tutor to applyA university student needs help with a statistics task on Google Colab (Python). The task can be accessed through the following link:
Become a tutor to applyThe student is in need of a tutor with experience in mediation/moderation and covariates interpretation using PROCESS on SPSS for their psychology dissertation.
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