Browse our Philosophy tutor jobs below. We have over 1,000 tutoring jobs and requests for private Philosophy tuition posted every month on Tutorful to our team of over 10,000 tutors.
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The student is looking for an online tutor for A-Level Philosophy.
Become a tutor to applyThe parent is seeking lessons for their child, who is in Year 13 studying A Level Philosophy. The student is facing challenges in metaphysics of the mind and epistemology, and is also looking for support with study skills. The aim is to achieve a B level in order to secure a university place in September. The parent is interested in arranging a home visit for tutoring sessions.
Become a tutor to applyThe student is an 18-year-old A-level student preparing for exams and is aiming to achieve an A in AQA philosophy.
Become a tutor to applyThe student is looking for a tutor who teaches A Level Philosophy for the AQA Exam Board and is interested in the tutor's experience with this exam.
Become a tutor to applyThe student is seeking assistance with a law essay that requires theoretical application and critical analysis, including relevant case law. Support is needed for planning, structuring the essay, and theoretical concepts such as Arendt's rights of the stateless and Seyla Benhabib's perspective. The student may occasionally require lessons on short notice and will endeavour to provide advance notice when possible.
Become a tutor to applyThe student is seeking assistance to pass a symbolic logic course as part of their Philosophy degree.
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