Private tuition with experienced tutors in Crumlin.

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Trusted tutors with 2+ years experience and full DBS checks 📚
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Lessons from just £20p/h - with no hidden fees 💷

Meet some of our
28 tutors in Crumlin:

Claire M
Enthusiastic GCSE and A-Level English/History tutor
Enthusiastic tutor offering lessons in GCSE, A-Level and Undergraduate level English and History in the Belfast area.I hold a First Class undergraduate degree in English and History, as well as an MA in Literary Studies with Distinction. I am currently a PhD researcher in Drama at Queen's University. I also attainted an A* in A-Level English and an A in A-Level History so have good subject knowledge and can provide helpful guidance on exam technique, especially for the CCEA specifications. I have experience tutoring younger children to help with their GL Assessments, and have experience within...
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Paola D
Italian language & Art Tutor
Extensive vacation work with experience in Education since 2006, teaching individual lessons and group classes in college and University.I love my country and I am pleased to pass my language and culture to all those who would like to know and learn. I am a patient and lovely person interested in straightening student's skills and knowledge; I hold a BA Honours Degree in Fine Arts (Painting) and a qualification in Graphic Design (publishing, logotype and communication) with +15-years job experience. I hold a MA in Teaching Italian L2 to foreign people and I am studying to become a QTLS (L5 DET...
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Marion S
Experienced Native French Tutor
2023-2024 results:GCSE: A / 8AS: A* / A (speaking) A LEVEL: A, BBonjour,My name is Marion, I am 34 years old and I am French. Being a native French speaker and fluent in English, passionate about languages and having been down the path of learning a new language myself, I understand the struggles that a new language learner might have and I know how to be successful, whatever level you decide you want to achieve.Whether you would like to know the basics to be ready for an upcoming holiday to France, practice your French through simple or more intensive conversations, write in French, prepare for...
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Kerry-Ann R
Friendly tutor that will help boost your scores!
I have six years teaching experience in a secondary school, and have been tutoring for the past 5 at both GCSE and A level. My masters degree in education allows me to tailor my tutoring sessions to each pupils individual needs, skills and talents, and find a way of studying content that works for them!I have three pupils all head off to Oxford to study philosophy and theology at university, and have had the pleasure of watching many of my students grow and thrive!My teaching style is calm, and firm. I am to help each pupil succeed, and to be the best they can be, whatever that may be for each...
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Petros P
Professional Mechanical Engineer tutors Maths & Sciences
I am a passionate educator fascinated by Mathematics and Science. With a First Class in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College London and outstanding GCSE & A-level grades, I have been passing on my expertise to future generations for the past four years now. I have been teaching part-time at schools and privately (both in-person and online) for more than 1000 hours. My greatest strength is instilling an enthusiasm for learning into my students. My specialist skills are spotting exactly where students have gaps in their knowledge, and breaking down concepts and theories in easily digestible...
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Caolan H
Guiding Brilliance, Building Confidence
Hello! I'm Caolan, your dedicated tutor committed to unleashing your full potential. Here's why I believe I'm the right guide on your academic journey: Teaching Style and Lesson Approach: In my tutoring sessions, I cultivate a dynamic and student-centric environment. I believe in tailoring each lesson to meet your specific needs, fostering open communication, and celebrating your individual achievements. My teaching style is characterized by a combination of patience, empathy, and a genuine passion for helping students succeed. I create an engaging atmosphere where learning is not just informative...
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Try online tutoring: flexible learning that fits around your life.

All our tutors are experienced in delivering online lessons, supported by our smart interactive classroom and automatic recordings of every lesson.

1000s more great tutors to choose from at lower prices

More flexible timings to fit around school and family life.

Interactive classroom and recorded lessons to revisit.

Tutors to choose from 🧑🏽‍🏫
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Improve by one grade ⚡️
background checked tutors 🎓
Happy students 😄

98% of our students said
their tutors made a difference

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Brilliant tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.
Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
asked questions
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How have students rated the quality of tuition in Crumlin?

Students in Crumlin have rated the quality of their tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does tutoring cost in Crumlin?

On average tutors in Crumlin cost £32.00.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement