Private Statistics tuition with experienced tutors in Woodley.

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Meet some of our
9 Statistics tutors in Woodley:

Fahad S
Professional Statistics tutor
I studied aerospace engineering at university and loved it! The coming together of Maths and Physics in real world applications is the perfect way to appreciate the subjects. I found Biology and Chemistry very interesting at school and would have pursued those if it weren't for engineering! I have a passion for cars, bikes and enjoy exploring anything mechanical.I have tutored many students in the past at KS3, GCSE and A-Level. I have also tutored students online for the past year and want to continue teaching as I have been told I am good at explaining things!I work best when you come to me with...
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Paul H
Statistics Tutor - Mistakes are proof that you are Trying :)
Hello my name is Paul, I have returned from New Zealand where I was on the prestigious Maurice Wilkins scholarship to do medicinal chemistry and immunology at Auckland University. My PhD was on the synthesis and testing of anti-cancer vaccines. I supplemented my income by demonstrating laboratory chemistry to undergraduates and one-on-one tutoring of undergraduate chemistry. I spent 5 months making HIV Drugs in St. Helens after my PhD then realized I had enough of working in a lab. I gained a Masters at the University of Nottingham where I studied chemistry. I am from Reading, and went to Little...
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Nolan V
Experienced Statistics tutor
I am an experienced and fully-qualified mathematics teacher and tutor. I have many years of experience of tutoring Mathematics from Key Stage 2 (Primary), SATS and 11+, through Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 (GCSE) and Key Stage 5 (A Level).I am an engaging and humorous teacher who likes to tailor my lessons to individual student's requirements according to their age and interests. I enjoy diagnosing the missing keys to understanding to ensure successful outcomes for students who have found subjects challenging so far.Lastly, I can speak fluent Mandarin Chinese and am skilled at preparing students for...
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Tyler C
Experienced online Statistics tutor - MSc Ecology Graduate.
About Me: I am an upcoming PhD candidate (October 2025 start) and an MSc Ecology, Evolution and Conservation graduate (merit) at Imperial College London. I graduated my BSc Biology degree with a First (Honours) at Queen Mary University of London. I have two year’s worth of online tutoring experience.Tutoring Style: In our first session, we will start broad so we can get to know each other and make a list of topics to target in future sessions. After this, we will focus on 1-2 (ish) topics per session and continuously edit our list to track your progress. I like to use a question-based tutoring a...
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Kit W
Statistics tutor - helped 100s people unlock their potential
Having helped 100s of people all across the world regain a love for what they are doing, my revolutionary techniques revolve around the following: 1. Understanding people and building a relationship with them personally. 2. Helping them understand WHAT problem they are solving, and WHY they are doing it.3. A big focus on helping students grow as a person so they are set up for achievement in any area of life. Many educators cannot empathise with and relate to people, so often cannot unlock their true potential. I truly love people and understanding each person I help is key to helping them achieve...
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Julie H
Patient and enthusiastic 11+, Statistics and Statistics tutor
I am 50 years of age and currently tutoring on a part-time basis. I enjoy seeing students develop and particularly enjoy helping adults improve their maths skills as well as helping students with their 11+ or selective school preparation. I can help with any maths queries, the maths and statistics content of projects at work or degrees, with any year of primary or secondary school maths. I can help those lacking confidence and make maths a little more fun. I really enjoy seeing people achieve their goals, I am very organised and can assess students to see where the gaps in knowledge are if they...
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Neha G
Creative Statistics tutor
Hello friend , nice to meet you. I have an interactive and experimental style of tutoring. I believe in learning through hands on experiences, experiments and real life examples. I like to engage in discussions and encourage questions. Learning programming languages is easier when you implement the concepts as you go through them . I provide step by step guidance and also believe in asking questions to stimulate the critical thinking . I like to put technology to good use while delivering my sessions . I have a Masters in Data Science and over three years of experience in Python, SQL, Power Bi,...
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Danius Jean B
Expert Statistics tutor
I have always focused on ensuring a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, which allows me to explain even the most difficult topics in a simple and accessible manner. My teaching philosophy is centred around helping students truly grasp the material rather than merely memorising it. I aim to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for mastering maths.Teaching Style:My lessons are interactive and tailored to each student's learning style and pace. I believe in building a strong foundation and then gradually tackling more complex problems. This approach helps...
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Shwetal B
Effective Statistics tutor
EducationI have done a Dual degree Graduate programme in Mathematics & Statistics followed by a Post Graduate programme in Engineering Management. I have also done a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications followed by a Certificate Course in Basic Management Training and a Certificate Course in River & Coastal EngineeringTutoring Experience* 20 years of one-to-one customised tutoring experience teaching GCSEs and A-levels..* For GCSEs and A-levels, I do cover all the major exam boards like AQA , OCR , and Edexcel including International Exam Boards.* I do teach Business Studies at Degree...
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Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Statistics tuition in Woodley?

Students in Woodley have rated the quality of their Statistics tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Statistics tutoring cost in Woodley?

On average Statistics tutors in Woodley cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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