Private Statistics tuition with experienced tutors in Alfreton.

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Meet some of our
9 Statistics tutors in Alfreton:

Kevin M
Very experienced GCSE, A-Level and KS3 Statistics Tutor
Maths tuition for KS3, GCSE and A-level Maths -Anything from basic area, statistics and percentage, to Further Maths GCSE, and A-level. I have tutored one-to-one for over 10 years, including online, and can teach the content from any exam board.I was KS4 Maths Co-ordinator, Numeracy Co-ordinator and KS5 Maths Co-ordinator at school over a period of 24 years,have also examined at GCSE. and A-level, was involved with the development of the new A-level Maths specification and specimen questions for AQA, and worked for the Advanced Maths Support Programme.I have taught students of all ability levels...
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Curtis H
Enjoyable and Insightful Statistics Tuition
Maths has been an activity that I have had a natural interest in since a very young age which continues to this day in my job as a mathematician.It was during my A level studies that I found I got a lot of pleasure from helping other students understand areas of maths that they were having trouble with. In my final year of A level studies I was granted special permission to assist my teacher in his Year 7 and Year 12 further maths class for the entire year. This gave me a very broad spectrum of topics and students to help which was fantastic as it really helped me to develop my teaching skills...
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Tatiana S
Supportive Statistics tutor
I am a Maths tutor with 9 years’ experience of private tuition helping students from Primary to A Level with learning and revision that has enabled them to significantly improve their initial results. Working as an engineer for many years has given me strong analytical skills and ability to clearly identify student’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition to the UK Curriculum I use teaching methods based on the best traditions of the Russian School of Mathematics. It is a systematic approach that helps: • To learn and understand Maths easier and better • To overcome areas where students struggl...
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Neha G
Creative Statistics tutor
Hello friend , nice to meet you. I have an interactive and experimental style of tutoring. I believe in learning through hands on experiences, experiments and real life examples. I like to engage in discussions and encourage questions. Learning programming languages is easier when you implement the concepts as you go through them . I provide step by step guidance and also believe in asking questions to stimulate the critical thinking . I like to put technology to good use while delivering my sessions . I have a Masters in Data Science and over three years of experience in Python, SQL, Power Bi,...
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Craig M
Engaging Statistics tutor
I am a secondary school Science and Maths teacher. Experience with low ability pupils and high achievers. I tutor in Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. Work with AQA and Edexcel exam boards.I have taught in several challenging schools with a range of pupils including those with SEN and behavioural difficulties. I have a wide range of experience with pupils struggling with engagement and motivation, and I aim to make learning accessible and relevant. I also teach pupils who are striving for that extra bit more to move up a grade and really excel as they move on to the next stage in their...
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Emilija K
Excellent Statistics tutor
Hi there! My name is Emilija and I am a recent Master's graduate, helping university students with their Psychology curriculum as well as teaching KS3 Maths and English.While studying BSc Psychology and MSc Research Methods, I have come to love all-things research. If you are unsure which statistical test to use, how to perform certain analyses, or even adhere to APA standards when writing a report - hesitate no more and get in touch!I can also help clarify specfic Psychology topics, whether for AQA A-Level specification or undergraduate coursework. Regarding the statistical analyses, I can help...
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David B
Friendly Statistics tutor
ABOUT ME Hello! I am a 4th year PhD student in Mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge, currently living in central Cambridge. I have first-hand experience of mastering the requisite skills to excel at A Level, understanding the nuance of the examinations and communicating these skills clearly to my students. I can also offer coaching in applications to top universities, and help you acquire the analytical mindset sought after by the most competitive employers and Russell Group universities. Furthermore, I am readily available to assist in preparing for extra-curricular maths exams, including...
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Tim W
Supportive Statistics tutor
I have a First Class Honours degree, specialising in Mathematical Economics and Corporate Finance from the University of Manchester.I am an experienced tutor and have over 15 years experience. I am able to teach across a range of levels, from GCSE through to graduate level. I have recently supported a student in gaining their MSc. in Finance and Maths with the Open University.My teaching style is open and friendly and I encourage all students to be continually asking questions. I like to tailor all my lessons to the exact needs of each student. I appreciate that not all students learn at the same...
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Muhammad Shahbaz A
Passionate Statistics Tutor
[For higher level classes such as higher Scottish Physics and A-level Maths or Physics fee will be 30/h.]Currently, I am working as a Research Associate at Cambridge University. My major responsibilities are, conducing experimental-research work on various types of superconducting nano/micro devices and supervising the Master and PhD students for their thesis work. I did my PhD in Physics at Leiden University Netherlands in 2011. Afterwards, I moved to Kyoto Japan for my post-doctorate. Where, I worked for five years in the field of condensed matter physics. During my work at Leiden and Kyoto,...
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94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
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10% are examiners 📝
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How have students rated the quality of Statistics tuition in Alfreton?

Students in Alfreton have rated the quality of their Statistics tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Statistics tutoring cost in Alfreton?

On average Statistics tutors in Alfreton cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
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