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Meet some of our
4415 tutors:

Paul W
Experienced Guitar Tutor Professional musician
I'm Paul and I have been teaching electric and acoustic guitar for 27 years. I have worked for Cheshire County Council and Manchester Council for 20 years teaching in various schools. Lessons are online. In my approach to teaching I want the student to be able to understand the fundamentals of the guitar, fretboard awareness knowing all the notes on the fretboard, knowledge of scales and how they relate to chords and harmony.This gives the student the ability to improvise and develop their own voice on the guitar.I think it is important to set a regular practice routine to set goals.I encourage...
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Sandrine C
Qualified and highly experienced native French tutor
KS3, GCSE, A LEVEL (all examination Boards) and ADULT LEARNERS. My clients's examination results for Summer 2024: Client obtained an A* (Edxecel French A level)Client obtained an A* (AQA French A level) Client obtained a grade 9 (AQA French GCSE)Client obtained a grade 7(was predicted a grade 4 in his school's Mock exams - AQA French GCSE )Bonjour! I am Sandrine. I am a qualified language teacher and a patient, positive and very well-organised tutor.A native speaker from Paris, I gained a BA Honours Degree in English and Spanish at La Sorbonne University before coming to the UK where I have been...
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Matthew D
Enthusiastic all round music tutor!
Hello, I'm Matthew, a musician and educator based in the North West of England.My journey in music began at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA), where I immersed myself in a diverse range of musical experiences and earned a First-Class BA (Hons) degree. I continued my studies at the University of Salford, where I achieved a Master's in Composition with Distinction. Throughout my academic pursuits, I had the privilege of being mentored by esteemed industry luminaries such as Dean Masser, Steve Berry, Paul Mitchel Davidson, and Mike Smith. Their invaluable guidance not only honed my...
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Florence B
Experienced, enthusiastic and patient tutor
I am a French native with experience in teaching French and English both as foreign languages. I am DBS checked. I have been living in England for over 34 years. My husband is British and we have 4 boys. I have many years of experience with children from being a childminder, to becoming a teaching assistant at the French school in Bristol. I am now a French and English tutor and I also used to run my own After School French club in primary schools. I had groups of 30 children who loved learning French through games, songs, lessons, crafts, role play...Teaching my own language as well as English...
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Tony M
Enthusiastic, friendly and patient tutor
I am taking bookings for lessons starting in May/ June after the current exams have started and new slots for lessons become available. I am a qualified teacher and an experienced tutor and I am keen to make learning fun. I have a friendly, open and honest style and I am well organised. I am familiar with GCSE Combined Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and A level Environmental Science syllabuses and I am an environmental science graduate and a Further Education Lecturer. In addition I can offer help in revision strategies, understanding and interpreting exam questions and in exam technique....
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Chris P
Ex-Headteacher tutoring Maths and Chemistry
I began my teaching career about 30 years ago in Bradford. I taught Science (Chemistry) and Maths to students across the full age range and spectrum of abilities, this included 'A' Level Chemistry.Throughout this period, the performances of my students in terms of academic progression was consistently amongst the best in the school.My ability as a classroom practitioner was rewarded with a continuous pattern of promotions within the school.After 12 years I moved school and was promoted to Assistant Head, again, the academic outcomes from my students proved to be amongst the highest in the school,...
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Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association

asked questions

See all FAQs

How much do Statistics Gcse tutors cost per hour?

The cost of a Statistics Gcse tutor can vary depending on their qualifications and experience. Generally, private tutors charge between £30.00 and £50.00 per hour, with online lessons often slightly cheaper than in-person lessons

Can you take Statistics Gcse lessons Online?

Yes, you can take Statistics Gcse lessons online! All of our tutors offer online tutoring, most of them through our state-of-the-art online classroom which has been built by us to meet all your needs.

How many Statistics Gcse teachers are available?

The number of local teachers available for Statistics Gcse varies depending on your location. Generally, there are more tutors available in major cities and areas with higher populations, however there should always be a consistent supply of teachers who hold their lessons online.

What's the average rating of Statistics Gcse tutors?

Many Statistics Gcse tutors have reviews available to read on their profile. Generally, the higher the rating, the higher the chance that the tutor has the skills and experience required to hold engaging lessons.

Is getting a Statistics Gcse tutor safe?

Yes, getting a Statistics Gcse tutor is perfectly safe! All of our tutors are personally interviewed and vetted by us and many have valid DBS checks or are qualified teachers.

Do you offer a first Statistics Gcse lesson Guarantee?

Yes we do! If you don’t love your first Statistics Gcse lesson, we’ll match you with a new tutor and even pay for your first lesson with them!

Can getting a Statistics Gcse tutor help with my exam prep?

Yes, getting a Statistics Gcse tutor can help with exam preparation. A tutor can help students identify areas of weakness and develop strategies to improve. They can also help with revision by revisiting topics that the students find particularly difficult.

What's the process for getting a Statistics Gcse tutor?

You can book a Statistics Gcse tutor instantly by selecting a slot from a tutor’s diary. Alternatively, you can message a tutor and speak with them first about your learning goals before you book.

How many Statistics Gcse lessons should I take?

The number of Statistics Gcse lessons a student should take depends on the student's needs and goals. Generally, it is recommended that the student has at least one lesson a week in order to build a good rapport with their tutor and ensure consistent learning.

Can getting a Statistics Gcse tutor help with revision?

Yes, getting a Statistics Gcse tutor can help with revision. Our tutors are happy to help with revision planning and cover any topics the student is lacking in confidence with.

Can I block book Statistics Gcse lessons?

Yes, you can block book Statistics Gcse lessons. This is much more convenient than manually booking each week and makes sure that your lesson timeslot is always reserved for you.

Will having a private Statistics Gcse tutor improve my career?

A Statistics Gcse tutor can help you gain confidence in your subject and improve your knowledge and understanding. This can help you work towards professional qualifications that can move your career forwards.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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