Private Sociology tuition with experienced tutors in Fulham.

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Meet some of our
7 Sociology tutors in Fulham:

Flavia D
very experienced tutor Sociology
19+ years of teaching in both a private sector and state sector, and tutoring , inclusive,to many renown families' children. References are available upon request. I amwell versed in grammar school entrance exams, and different state and publicsector school entrance hurdles as well as the overall knowledge, of a student. I deliver what is required and closely liaise with parents as to what it is they want, or if they need, what my professional perspective is.I aim at establishing a great partnership with both parent and learner equally. So we can focus on the progress. Tutoring, sometimes it is...
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Abbie D
Enthusiastic and passionate Sociology tutor
I run more informal sessions to help make sure all my students can ask any questions they need about their subject or our lesson topic! I’m a big believer that there are no silly questions and that tutoring is a great space to ask things or cover topics that students may not want to ask in the big classroom setting! I may occasionally ask for a small amount of pre-session work, depending on the key stage. This will never be more than 20mins of thinking or reading on a subject and am open to chatting with students or parents about when this would be most appropriate for their schedules! I’ll alw...
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Hetty O
High-achieving and experienced Sociology tutor
Hi families! I have recently graduated from Cambridge University with a Double First class degree in Education, Policy and International Development. Throughout my time at Cambridge I took modules in Politics, International Relations, Sociology, Psychology and Literature. Before this I achieved A*s in History (OCR), Politics (Edexcel) and English Literature (Edexcel) A-Levels and an A in the EPQ. I'd be delighted to tutor in any of these subjects to IB or A-Level, as well Politics, International Relations, Sociology and Education to degree level. I can also help in Oxbridge interview and admissions...
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Funmilola J
Friendly, enthusiastic Sociology tutor with a law degree!
Hi, I’m Funmi, a law graduate! My teaching approach comes from the methods that have inspired me as a student. Much like my own Sociology and English teacher, I prioritise meeting each student at their current level of understanding and working with them to build from there. I recognise that everyone learns different, so my lessons are tailored to suit how each student prefers to learn, rather than following a one-size-fits-all approach.My experience lies in humanities subjects; English Literature and Language, Sociology, History. I am also familiar with school curriculums across AQA, Eduqas, E...
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Jessica P
Sociology Highly experienced, friendly tutor
Not only am I a supportive and encouraging teacher, with many years of experience as a qualified teacher but I also work for the Department for Education as an Education Consultant which means that my lessons are highly effective. I have prepared fast track courses to support students from the age of 5 right through to masters university level.I am fortunate enough to be an Examiner of KS2, GCSE and A-Level providing me with detailed insight into a range of exam boards as well as working on university-based assessment panels.I have enjoyed many years of work as a private tutor on a 1:1/small group...
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Iona T
Experienced Sociology tutor
I am a qualified, experienced tutor with a passion for the subject of sociology and a positive, collaborative attitude. I am skilled at assisting students of all levels to succeed. I am offering online tuition. I have around 9 years' experience of teaching sociology at GCSE and A-level and one year's experience of teaching an undergraduate degree-level course. In my most recent post, teaching A-level and IGCSE sociology, I developed a range of revision resources and strategies, incorporating study skills which helped students to achieve highly. I am knowledgeable in both the Cambridge and AQA syllabuses....
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Robyn M
Passionate and Fun Sociology Sociology and Criminology Tutor
I am a passionate and enthusiastic sociology and criminology teacher and tutor who aims to support the development of in-depth yet critical knowledge. Ensuring learning is fun and relevant with lots of real life examples, I endeavour to deepen student knowledge in a light hearted and humorous way. A range of strategies used to teach include: - Flipped learning - Quizzes - True and false - Use of images and videos - Matching key terms or theories - Analysing case studies and watching and analysing criminal cases or documentaries on social issues to contextualise knowledge. -Exam...
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Brilliant Sociology tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

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comes first.

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All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

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is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Sociology tuition in Fulham?

Students in Fulham have rated the quality of their Sociology tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Sociology tutoring cost in Fulham?

On average Sociology tutors in Fulham cost £32.00.

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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1 grade improvement