Private Biology tuition with experienced tutors in Porthcawl.

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Meet some of our
6 Biology tutors in Porthcawl:

Arun G
Oxford Biology Tutor
My name is Arun and I am a medical student and help tutor Maths and Sciences at GCSE and A-level.I was awarded six 9s and four 8s at GCSE and A*A*A in A-level Biology, Math and Chemistry Exams and tests can seem daunting, but with the proper preparation and technique, I believe anyone can get amazing results.My sessions involve breaking down a topic into easy to understand fundamental details and going over some practice questions in order to get a good grasp of the foundational knowledge and to apply that knowledge in an exam setting. For students in the process of applying to university, I understand...
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Gareth S
Inspiring and Dedicated Biology Tutor
I am a Biomedical Sciences student at the University of Birmingham, and I am looking to use my skills, experience and academic expertise to deliver high quality, enjoyable sessions, to improve your GCSE knowledge.Through years of 1-to-1 tutoring, as well as sport coaching, I have gained valuable experience in teaching young people, of a range of backgrounds, ages and abilities. I have an impressive record of making progress, even in a short space of time. I wholeheartedly believe that any student has the potential to exceed their expectations, with the right support and guidance. As well as improving...
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Agnes A
Biology Tutor - Recently Qualified Doctor for All Subjects (inc UCAT)
Science is just around us, everywhere. You don’t need more than a good grasp of scientific thinking. I am going to teach you. There are no silly questions, it’s all about thinking, asking and discussing.Once you have understood you‘ll know it. Don’t hesitate to ask me. We can do it together, we just need some time. Anything you want: talk-overs for deep inspections and searching for explanations, practice test to prepare for an exam and to get a routine. No more unclear subjects, no more failure. We just have to discuss everything and you’ll get it better.Usually I start with a mock exam to check ...
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Clarisse O
Passionate Biology tutor
Hi! My name is Clarisse and I live in Cornwall! I am an extremely passionate tutor and love all things science. My main passions are earth and life sciences! I have been teaching AQA A Level Biology and Environmental Science for the last five years. Students maximise their potential in my lessons. I have also been an examiner for environmental science so am great at helping students with exam technique for both subjects. My classroom has always been an inclusive environment and I know how to get the best of out of each student. I love teaching and am always looking for new ways to deliver content...
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Angie M
Caring Biology tutor
Hi, I'm Angela I've been teaching for 15 years, and been subject lead in my small, independent school in Devon I teach the OCR GCSE 21st Century syllabus and the OCR A at A-level and all my resources and exam experience are tailored to that syllabus. I can help with any individual concepts, too. I'm very patient, I like to apply biological concepts to individual interests and I enjoy creating my own resources. I'm used to teaching small groups and providing individual support. My school was proactive during the Covid lockdown, the whole school moved to online teaching overnight, and I have kept...
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Alyasa H
Motivating and Friendly Biology teacher - Warwick graduate
Are you looking to receive high quality teaching and gain amazing results in your educational life?My mission is to make a difference and improve the education and lives of as many students as possible to give themthe very best chance to succeed in this everchanging and seemingly challenging world.I am a fully trained and qualified teacher currently who has worked at a secondary school rated 'Outstanding' in the UK. I graduated from the university of Warwick and have also been a private tutor for over 5 years with a 100% pass rate. This created a spark of passion for teaching which has led me to...
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Brilliant Biology tutors who you’ll really click with.

Our experienced tutors take the time to understand where each student needs to focus and their preferred way of learning. They make a measurable difference – 90% of all students improve by at least one grade.

Why are our tutors special?
94% have an advanced degree Masters or PhD 📚
50%+ are qualified teachers 🧑🏻‍🏫
2+ years minimum tutoring experience 📗
10% are examiners 📝
100% verified with enhanced DBS-checks ✅

Our students’ safety
comes first.

Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
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Enhanced background checks for tutors (DBS).
All online lessons are recorded.
Messages are only sent through our platform.

Our dedicated Internal Safeguarding Officer
is focused on the safety of students.

in partnership with:

Department for Business & Trade Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate The Tutors' Association
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How have students rated the quality of Biology tuition in Porthcawl?

Students in Porthcawl have rated the quality of their Biology tuition 5 out of 5.

How much does Biology tutoring cost in Porthcawl?

On average Biology tutors in Porthcawl cost £32.00.

See all FAQs

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850+ hours taught
850+ hours taught
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