Published July 25, 2018

Awesome Conversation Topics and Discussion Questions

By Rachael Sprague
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An intriguing topic is often the best way to get the family nattering after a long day, or a couple of pals speaking for the very first time.

With mobile phones becoming more and more embedded into our palms every day, we’ve put this comprehensive topic guide together to get kids and adults alike off their technology and encourage mindfulness and connections through good old-fashioned face-face conversation around the dinner table.

Every month, we ask our super talented tutors to sum up, “In a Nutshell”, an awesome idea or mind-boggling concept to get you talking at the dinner table. The best entries every month will be featured in their own topic chapter.

Our In a Nutshell topics will expand your mind whilst the handy discussion questions will get your conversations flowing: win-win!

Chapter 1: The Origin of Japanese Kanji

Chapter 2: Quantum Physics in a nutshell

Chapter 3: Our smartphones are made of (dead) stars

Chapter 4: How do you know when it’s going to stop raining

Chapter 5: How the voice works

Chapter 6: Circle of Fifths

Chapter 7: Romeo and Juliet in a nutshell

Chapter 8: How to pronounce the Spanish Ã‘

Happy chatting! Check out our topics below.

All chapters


If we trace back the origin of those characters for (ref chart) a mountain, a wood, a river, or sun, it is not hard to comprehend the way how these...
1 min read


Conversation topic and conversation starter: Quantum physics tells us that we cannot know precisely where particles are and how fast they are moving - and that they are not really...
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These stars eventually met their demise when trying to fuse iron and became supernovae - exploding with tremendous amount of energy, enough energy to fuse even heavier elements to create...
2 min read


Have you ever been outside and it is raining and ever thought; has it just started, or do I put on my waterproof jacket or do I wait for it...
2 min read


The power of your voice comes from the airstream the lungs provide. The air stream provides the energy for the voice box to produce sound. The diaphragm is a muscle...
2 min read


There are many concepts, structures and systems in music theory, some remedial, some not so... This one's a bit mental. Fear not! I'm here to teach you a lesson (I...
2 min read


Despite the fact two families, 'both alike in dignity' have been fighting for generations, all it takes is one look for Romeo and Juliet to become 'star-crossed lovers', determined to...
2 min read


To make the "ñ" sound, follow these steps: Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, right behind your upper, front teeth. Now say the letter "n". Bring your...
1 min read

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