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Leaving Teaching? Discover 13 Amazing Alternative Careers for Teachers!

Leaving Teaching? Discover 13 Amazing Alternative Careers for Teachers!

Let's face it - being a teacher can be tough. With endless lesson planning, marking, and admin work piling up, it's no wonder many teachers feel stressed and burned out. Dr. Mary Bousted, Joint General Secretary of the National Education Union (NEU), points out that this unmanageable workload is driving teachers to the brink. And with limited support, resources, and opportunities for career growth, who can blame them for seeking a change?

The truth is, many teachers struggle to find that elusive work-life balance. Plus, let's not forget about the relatively low pay that can leave them feeling undervalued and financially strained. In fact, a 2018 study by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) found that teachers who left the profession ended up earning about 10% more in their new roles.

And it's not just about the money. Teaching can be emotionally draining too. A 2018 report by the NEU revealed that 81% considering quitting their jobs due to pressure of their workload. Add in the stress of standardised testing and OFSTED inspections, and it's easy to see why teachers might feel disillusioned with the education system

But don't worry - if you're thinking of leaving teaching, you're not alone. Many teachers have already made the leap, you can read about the experience of one such teacher, Ian who made the decision to leave teaching and start a new career in private tutoring. But there are plenty of alternative careers out there that can make the most of your skills and experience! So, let's dive in and explore some new opportunities that could help you find personal and professional growth outside of the classroom!

Find Your Fit: Alternative Jobs for Teachers in Education

Thinking of a career change within the field of education? There are tons of exciting jobs for qualified teachers that let you use your qualification and amazing skills. Let's dive into some of these cool jobs that could be the perfect fit for you!

Private Tutor

Salary: £20 - £50 per hour

What it's about: Providing one-on-one instruction to students in a specific subject area, tailored to their individual needs.

What ex-teachers love about the job:The flexibility, personalised approach, and building strong relationships with students and families.

Stuff to think about: You might need to build a client base and market your services as a freelance tutor. Check out Tutorful for help finding students!

Education Consultant

Salary: £30,000 - £60,000

What it's about: Advising schools, organisations, and individuals on various aspects of education, like curriculum development, teaching strategies, and policies.

What ex-teachers love about the job: Influencing educational practices on a larger scale and the variety of projects.

Stuff to think about: A master's degree or additional certifications in your area of expertise might be necessary.

Corporate Trainer

Salary: £25,000 - £50,000

What it's about: Developing and delivering training programs for businesses to improve employee performance, communication, and productivity.

What ex-teachers love about the job: The shift to adult education, focusing on specific topics, and potential career growth in the corporate world.

Stuff to think about: Experience in a specific industry or additional certifications could be required.

Instructional Designer

Salary: £25,000 - £55,000

What it's about: Creating engaging educational materials and courses for various industries, often incorporating multimedia elements and e-learning platforms.

What ex-teachers love about the job: The creative aspect of designing materials and working with new technologies.

Stuff to think about: Familiarity with e-learning authoring tools and learning management systems is often needed.

Museum Educator

Salary: £20,000 - £35,000

What it's about: Developing and delivering educational programs, workshops, and tours for museum visitors, often tailored to specific age groups or interests.

What ex-teachers love about the job: Sharing their knowledge in an informal and engaging setting, especially if they're passionate about history, art, or science.

Stuff to think about: Subject matter expertise and experience in informal learning settings might be necessary.

Curriculum Developer

Salary: £25,000 - £50,000

What it's about: Researching, designing, and implementing educational programs and materials that align with educational standards and learning objectives.

What ex-teachers love about the job: Shaping and improving educational content and directly impacting student learning outcomes.

Stuff to think about: Expertise in a specific subject area and a strong understanding of curriculum design are usually expected.

Educational Content Writer/Editor

Salary: £20,000 - £45,000

What it's about: Creating and revising textbooks, lesson plans, and digital learning materials for educational institutions and publishers.

What ex-teachers love about the job: Combining their love for writing with their passion for education and sharing their expertise.

Stuff to think about: A strong writing portfolio and subject matter expertise might be needed.

Career Advisor

Salary: £20,000 - £35,000

What it's about: Helping students and job seekers identify their interests and strengths, explore career options, and develop a plan to achieve their career goals.

What ex-teachers love about the job:Guiding individuals towards fulfilling career paths and making a difference in their lives.

Stuff to think about: A postgraduate qualification in career guidance might be required.

Switching It Up: New Careers for Teachers Beyond Education

Looking for something beyond the education sector and outside of teaching? Don't worry, there are plenty of fantastic jobs for ex teachers where you can use your skills, experience, and passion for making a difference. Check out the list above for five

Human Resources Specialist

Salary range: £25,000 - £50,000

What ex-teachers love about the job: You get to use your people management and conflict resolution skills in a corporate setting to help create a fab work environment.

Stuff to think about: A degree in Human Resources or a related field, or relevant certifications like CIPD, can come in handy.

Project Manager

Salary range: £30,000 - £70,000

What ex-teachers love about the job: You can use your top-notch organisational and time management skills to coordinate teams and make sure projects are completed on time in various industries.

Stuff to think about: A project management certification, like PRINCE2 or PMP, can boost your credibility in the field.

Sales Representative

Salary range: £18,000 - £50,000 (plus commission)

What ex-teachers love about the job: You can put your communication and persuasion skills to work by presenting products or services and building relationships with clients.

Stuff to think about: While no specific qualifications are usually needed, knowing your industry or getting sales training can be a plus.

Event Planner

Salary range: £18,000 - £40,000

What ex-teachers love about the job: You'll love using your organisational skills and creativity to plan and pull off awesome events, like conferences, weddings, or corporate gatherings.

Stuff to think about: A degree in Event Management or a related field, or relevant certifications like CMP or CSEP, can be a bonus.

Public Relations Specialist

Salary range: £20,000 - £50,000

What ex-teachers love about the job: You can use your communication skills and ability to build relationships to create and maintain a positive image for clients, companies, or organisations.

Stuff to think about: A degree in Public Relations, Communications, or a related field can be helpful, as well as certifications like CIPR or PRCA.

So, there you have it! These are just a few examples of the amazing opportunities waiting for you beyond the classroom. But don't stop here – think about all those incredible skills you've developed as a teacher and how they can transfer to other industries. Find something that really gets you excited and aligns with your passions.

Thinking about becoming a private tutor? That's awesome! Guess what? Tutorful is on the lookout for qualified teachers like you to join our platform. The best part? You can choose to teach online or in your local area – whatever floats your boat!

Why not take the plunge and sign up to become a private tutor with us? And hey, if you're not quite ready to dive in headfirst and just want some tips on how to become a tutor, no worries! We've got your back with some fantastic advice on how to kickstart  a successful tuition business. Let's do this!

Time for a Change? Knowing When to Leave Teaching for New Adventures!

So, you're thinking about leaving teaching? That's a big decision, and it's super important to take some time to really think it through. To help you out, here are some key questions you should ask yourself:

  • Are your reasons for wanting to leave teaching just a temporary thing, or do you think they're here to stay?

  • Have you tried everything possible to make your current teaching gig better, or might there be some solutions you haven't explored yet?

  • Can you picture yourself in a different career, and does the idea of that new path get you excited and motivated?

  • Have you created a solid game plan to help you smoothly transition into a new career?

Keep in mind that everyone's different, and the decision to leave teaching is a personal one. Give yourself plenty of time to reflect on your reasons, evaluate your transferable skills, and explore other career options before making your choice.

No matter if you decide to stay in teaching or embark on a new career path, always remember that your skills and expertise as an educator will continue to be super valuable and in demand. You've totally got this!

Making a Smooth and Stress free Switch from Teaching to Your New Dream Job!

So, you're ready to jump into a new career and leave the classroom behind? That's exciting, but it can also be a bit nerve-wracking, right? No worries, we've got your back with a handy list of tips to help you make a smooth switch from teaching to your new dream job:

  1. Think about your skills: Take a look at all the awesome skills you've picked up as a teacher, like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Make sure to show them off in your CV and interviews!

  2. Do your homework and make connections: Chat with people working in the industry you're interested in, attend networking events, and join online forums to get the inside scoop.

  3. Spruce up your CV and LinkedIn: Make your CV and LinkedIn profile shine by highlighting your experiences and achievements that are relevant to your new career.

  4. Learn something new: Check out the qualifications you'll need for your chosen field and consider taking courses or getting certified to boost your credibility.

  5. Test the waters: Gain some hands-on experience by volunteering or interning in your target industry before you take the plunge.

  6. Reach out for support: Don't be shy about asking friends, family, and professional contacts for advice, encouragement, and help during your transition.

  7. Keep your chin up: Stay positive and patient, even when you face setbacks. Remember, they're just learning opportunities!

School's Out Forever? A Top Tutor Breaks Down Why Teachers Are Ditching the Classroom for Private Tutoring

portrait photo of Ian a private tutor

Introducing Ian, an experienced educator with a unique mix of classroom teaching and private tutoring expertise. With over 860 hours clocked on Tutorful, he's a Maths Lecturer who's well-versed in prepping students for various exams, ranging from GCSE and A Level to IGCSE and private entrance exams for prestigious schools. Ian's forte is his tailored approach, focusing on individual learning styles, confidence building, and creating custom study plans. His ultimate aim is to bring out the best in his students, making maths manageable and enjoyable in the process. 

In the face of a growing wave of teachers leaving the classroom in search of a new career, we've got an insider's take from Ian, a top private tutor with Tutorful. Mountainous stacks of paperwork and the overwhelmingly stressful OFSTED inspections are two of the main reasons why teachers are rethinking their profession. Ian hits the nail on the head, "Many teachers are leaving schools as they find themselves bogged down by administrative tasks, leaving little time for actual teaching."

And his take on those Ofsted visits is equally straight-talking. Diving head-first into Ian's experience of Ofsted inspections, it's clear to see how these rigorous, high-stakes audits could fuel teachers' desires to leave teaching. "Ofsted visits in college have always been about polishing the data and statistics, and preparing the staff and students on how to behave and what to say. Yet in my experience, on the majority of occasions, these visits have never truly understood the culture and the charisma of the learning environment over a longer period of time.” In his eyes, it seems these inspections are more about ticking boxes than truly understanding the pulse of a school. It's a disheartening reality where the unique culture of a school - the essence that is nurtured over years - is overlooked in favour of meeting data-driven benchmarks. No wonder many educators feel the pull away from the conventional teaching scene

But let's set the record straight. Ian isn't suggesting that teachers are losing their passion for teaching; it's the system that's giving them a nudge out the door. "Teaching can be brilliant, but it's not everyone's cup of tea," he freely admits. So, it seems that those who still have a fire for teaching are finding fresh ways to channel their passion, just not within the confines of the traditional classroom.

Chalkboards to Keyboards: Why Ian Chose Private Tutoring Over Traditional Teaching

Moving past the classroom can be daunting, but Ian's words inspire a certain confidence in the process. "Leaving the safety of a school job can be a tough call," he states, particularly "when you've built solid relationships, have a good pension, and a decent salary." But there’s a trade-off. He admits, "sometimes the yearning for more freedom and flexibility tips the scales."

In his role as a private tutor, Ian appreciates calling the shots. "You get to choose when and who you teach, plus there's room for creativity when planning lessons to meet each student's needs." 

He's keen to emphasise the role of modern tech in making lessons more engaging and personalised. "With all the online tools and resources out there, lessons can be custom-tailored to suit each student's interests," he mentions. It's clear that the digital age is proving to be a game changer for tutors like him.

And let’s not skim past the real cherry on top - the recognition. As Ian puts it, "Ultimately, for a teacher, it is the feedback which creates the best reward." He recalls those heartwarming moments when, "A student says 'We couldn't have succeeded without you' after they noticed you in the supermarket, or the parent who told me the only exam their son had passed was the 'math exam you helped them with'." He doesn't hold back his pride when admitting, "I did have those comments from students I taught at the college I worked at, but I can state that I have had more appreciative comments in the last few years with private tuition." 

Private Tutoring 101: Must-Read Expert Advice from Top Tutor Ian for Aspiring Tutors 

Looking at private tutoring? Ian has a few words of wisdom. "Do a bit of homework first," he advises. Get a feel for what's in demand - the subjects, the styles of teaching, whether it's face-to-face or online.

When Ian talks about the rise of online tutoring, he's highlighting a whole new world of opportunities that weren't there before. "Online tutoring has expanded the playing field," he tells us. What he means is that the internet has knocked down those geographical barriers. As a tutor, you're no longer limited to students in your local area - you can be teaching a kid in London one hour, and another in Liverpool the next. Maybe even squeeze in a late-night lesson with someone across the globe in a different time zone.

But as Spiderman's Uncle Ben would say, "with great power comes great responsibility." In this case, it means being aware of different time zones and languages when scheduling sessions. "But remember," Ian warns, "you'll have to consider things like time zones and languages." So, it's not all smooth sailing, but with some careful planning, you can keep a full schedule and work at times that suit you best.

And here's an important bit to remember - it's not a lonely journey. You might be leaving the bustling staff rooms and noisy corridors behind, but you're not alone. Ian strongly advocates finding your tribe. "Join support groups, connect with other private tutors in your area or subject niche. Their experiences can give you insights and helpful tips to get started."

Don't forget, the shift from school teaching to private tutoring isn't just about the work, it's also a lifestyle change. Ian reminds us, "One of the most noticeable changes is the fact that you will spend a lot of time working alone, without the camaraderie of colleagues or the constant presence of students." It might feel strange at first, swapping a busy school for a quiet home office, but Ian sees the silver lining. The quiet can bring "greater focus and productivity." Now, that sounds like a win!

Deciding to explore new career paths can be tough for teachers, but remember, you've got lots of skills that can be applied to all sorts of professions. Take some time to think about what really matters to you and research different careers before making any big moves. And as you set off on this new adventure, don't forget to lean on your support network for a bit of a boost. Keep an open mind, stay patient, and remain positive throughout the process – your unique skills as an educator will always be valued, wherever your career journey takes you. Good luck!



Hillary, J., Andrade, J. and Worth, J. (2018). Teacher Retention and Turnover Research. Research Update 4: How Do Teachers Compare To Nurses And Police Officers? Slough: NFER. 


Hannah C

Hannah C

31st Mar 2023